The researchers didn’t include testicles or make the penises look more realistic than this because they wanted women to focus only on size
and not get distracted by other features (e.g., pubic hair, veins, curves) that might affect how attractive they found each model.
Women were asked to select the penis model they would prefer on a partner if they were having a one-night stand, as well as the penis
model they would prefer on a partner if they were in a long-term romantic relationship.
It turns out that the preferred penis size was very similar for both types of relationships. However, women preferred slightly larger penises
for one-night stands than they did for long-term relationships.
Specifically, for a one-night stand, the average size desired was 6.4 inches in length and 5 inches in girth. For a long-term partner, the
average size desired was 6.3 inches in length and 4.8 inches in girth.
И расово верный вывод :)
Moreover, these women weren’t asked how important size was to them or whether penis size affects their ability to experience sexual pleasure.
We know from other research that size in and of itself isn’t really the key to orgasm for most women.
Добавлю, что великий и ужасный в своей неуловимости женский оргазм имеет с величиной писюна весьма слабую корреляцию :)