(no subject)

Jan 24, 2006 18:20

I can't even go to his funeral. His family wants me and my mom to be able to go.. the stupid bitch that he married last year says we aren't allowed to be there, or even send flowers...

All I can do is cry. I don't know what else TO do. But, J.B.'s son and daughter in law said that if we wanted to come, they didn't care, they knew how close we were. I won't be able to go because I can't drive back to Pike County for it but, my mom will go. Oh yes, she will. And if Nancy said a damn thing to her, mom will kick her fucking ass as soon as the services are over. She wouldn't do anything there, she has too much respect for that but, when she gets home.. She will be lucky to be able to walk again when my mom gets finished with her.

My ex step brother, Roger.. he wouldn't even go with them to make the arrangements because he hates Nancy so much. He said he never could talk to his Dad without that bitch standing around the corner or right over top of them to hear every single freakin' word they said. He hates her. He loved my mom, and me.. I fee so sorry for him. He was so close to his Dad. I know how much it hurts me that he was killed, I can only image what Roger is going through....

And my step sister... My mom is trying to get her phone number for me right now. I have to talk to her! I have to! We are the same age, in fact, she's only a couple of weeks older than me. We were so close....... I know how much she loved him. He wasn't actually her Dad. He adopted her. He raised her mom and then her mom basically didn't want to raise her so, he did.. it's a long story and one I can't get into right now but.... still... My poor Cindy. I'm sure she's a wreck.
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