Everyone come! (OK, not everyone, I can only fit 24 in this particular playing room. But hey -- 24 of you come!)
Watertown, Mass.
One-Day SCRABBLE® Tournament
8 fully-rated NASPA games
Saturday, December 1, 2012
9:00 a.m.: Registration
9:30 a.m.: Games 1-3
12:30 p.m.: Lunch
1:30 p.m.: Games 4-8
6:30 p.m. Awards
Due to the limited size of the playing room, this event will be capped at 24 players. Paid entries only will be accepted.
Tentative plan: 18 TWL players, split by rating into three 6-player divisions, and one 6-player CSW division. (This may be changed slightly based on players’ lexical demands.)
Entry Fee: $60 for all divisions
Arsenal Center for the Arts (Mezzanine Classroom)
321 Arsenal Street
Watertown, MA 02472
(617) 923-7085
Evans Clinchy
58 Albion Street
Medford, MA 02155
Payments will be accepted either by PayPal (eclinchy@yahoo.com), or by check/money order mailed to the address above.
You must be a member of NASPA to compete in this tournament. Join today at