(no subject)

Apr 24, 2004 11:30

Mmmh, am still slightly sleepy, so not sure how this will turn out. Elena left about an hour ago...actually i might just go back to bed soon.

However, theres so much i have to do this weekend...get book presentation ready...prepare for maths test..and stuff. Its just that i feel intellectually incapable of doing any of this. The funny thing about school is that the longer i go there, the more stupid i feel. While i realise that none of the things we do are actually that demanding or complex, i just cannot keep up with my workload...my concentration span is equal to zero, i am constantly tired and when it comes to working at home...i just get a total block, keep pushing everything away until the last minute, and then have to rush...which results in even more stress.

Also, am beginning to wonder whether i actually like going to rock classic anymore. Last night i found myself thinking i'd much rather be at home reading...which is fairly strange, considering i always want to go out during the week...and then come friday/saturday, it sucks. town is just the same every single week, nothing unusual ever happens, and i want change... Always the same people, the same boring talks, the same fucking boring music every time i go there...blergh.
OK, i realise this is just my perception, and most of you guys had fun last night, i am merely stating what it was like for me.
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