Fandom meme

Jul 18, 2008 18:56

I stole this from jojibear (without permission) I'm sorry for spamming. No harm meant, I'm just bored until my friend decides to come home (or is freed from work, poor her) and contacts me (I should get a life, I know).
I don't even know if I know 12 people Oo

Edit: I highly recommend not reading it because it's so bullsh... that it's not even funny^^

*Choose 12 people from your favorite fandom.
*Wherever there is a number, fill the number in with the person you put for that number.
*Have fun!
*Tag ___ people (we leave that part out because I don't want to bother anyone)

1. Shige
2. Ryo
3. Yasu
4. Pi
5. Okhura
6. Tegoshi
7. Koyama
8. Uchi (he's still alive, ne?)
9. Yoko
10. Toma
11. Massu
12. Maru
(Quite weird.. It got difficult after number 5^^)

Have you read a 6/11 fic? Do you want to?
Tego/Massu.. Oi, I did but only out of boredom :D

Do you think 4 is hot? How hot?
I might get killed but other than hot I would say Pi's too pretty for his own good

What would happen if 12 got 8 pregnant?
If Maru got Uchi pregnant.. I guess Ryo would kill Maru :D

Can you rec any fic(s) about 9?
Uhm.. honestly.. I can't remember having ever read a fic with Yoko Oo

Would 2 and 6 make a good couple?
I came to have read RyoTego fics but can't remember where. They are usually quite more innocent than any other pairing involving Ryo. That didn't answer the question, ne? Well.. yeah, unfortunately, I think they do^^

5/9 or 5/10? Why?
Ohkura/Yoko or Ohkura/Toma. Eh? I can't imagine Okhura/Toma at all so I guess if than Okhura/Yoko (replace the names with namesquishes^^)

What would happen if 7 walked in on 2 and 12 having sex?
If Key-chan walked in on RyoMaru.. Uhm.. He might break out in tears but I swear for a moment he would be two-lided :D

Make up a summary for a 3/10 fic.
Yasu/Toma. Hell.. I told you I suck with summaries.. Anyway, I guess Yasu tries convincing Toma that Yasu's styling (considering clothes) fits perfectly for Toma until Toma smashes his head against the wall.. Or something...

Is there any such thing as 1/8 fluff?
Shige/Uchi fluff. I bet there is :D Want me to write one? :D

Suggest a title for a 7/12 hurt/comfort fic.
Koya/Maru.. How Maru cheered Koya up with his faces.. Damn.. Don't give me hard tasks such as bringing up titles, names or summaries..

What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 to deflower 1?
Ähm.. äh.. Not that I couldn't imagine this happening but.. Seriously.. I wouldn't want to get this far..

Does anyone on your friends list read 7 slash?
Koyama slash? Oo I don't think such a thing even exists..

Does anyone on your friends list read 3 het?
Yasu/het.. Uhm.. is there? I don't think..

Does anyone on your friends list write or draw 11?
Don't ask me, ask my flist^^ But I think I've seen Massu arts somewhere..

Would anyone on your friends list write 2/4/5?
OhRyoPi... Hm.. Well.. Anyone?

What might 10 scream out at a moment of great passion?
Why did I choose Toma again? I don't even know him too well Oo

If you write a songfic about 8, which song would you choose?
Uchi.. Roxette-Spending my time. No, I don't know why..

If you wrote a 1/6/12 fic, what would the warnings be?
ShigeTegoMaru.. Poor Shige^^ And Tego might even drive Maru crazy..

What might a good pick-up line for 2 to use on 10?
pick-up line Ryo would use on Toma... Ryo uses pick-up lines? I always imagined him to just jump his targets without a word Oo

When was the last time you read a fic about 5?
About Okhura.. I don't think I've ever read a fic about him.. Yes, I should but seriously, I need to work my way through all the amazing Shige-fics first. But if you write a Ohkura/Shige fic I might finally read a fic including Ohkura :p

What is 6's super-secret kink?
Tegonyan's kink.. He gives Shige headaches? Maybe? :D

Would 11 shag 9? Drunk or sober?
Massu shag Yoko? Not even drunk^^ Does Massu even drink alcohol?

If 3 and 7 get together, who tops?
Keii-chan and Yasu.. I so cannot imagine anyone toping anyone with this pair Oo Maybe they switch so that no one feels left behind?

"1 (Shige) and 9 (Yoko) are in a happy relationship until 9 (Yoko) suddenly runs off with 4 (Pi). 1 (Shige), broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with 11 (Massu) and a brief, unhappy affair with 12 (Maru), then follows the wise advice of 5 (Ohkura) and finds true love with 3(Yasu)." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it.
I had to laugh about the hot one-night stand with Massu, though.. Is there really something like ShigeYoko?
But as it includes Shige I guess all the Shige-shippers will read it nonetheless :D
As for the title.. Leave that out.. I still suck with titles, names and summaries^^

Bizarre Love Triangle?
Anything that includes Ryo and Ueda, I guess..

How would you feel if 7/8 was canon?
KoyaUchi.. Uhm.. See.. I'm too Shige-centric right now...

Who would make a better college professor: 6, or 11?
Tegoshi or Massu.. Well if the course is about food than Massu of course :D Tegoshi as a college professor? *lmao*

Do you think 2 is hot? How hot?
Ryo? hot? Isn't that his second name?

12 sends 8 on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed?
Maru sending Uchi on a mission.. Something like.. *sigh* I'm a fail, sorry..

What would 5 most likely be arrested for?
Ohkura for laughing too loud^^

If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 or 8?
If I had to choose between Tegoshi or Koyama? I don't really think either of them could help me *laughs* But we all know Tegoshi's brainwashing abilities.. You have no chance against Tegonyan's smile :D

Okay.. I failed a lot.. Either I don't know them good enough or simply because they are not Shige :D


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