Jul 07, 2008 02:43
.....as in the black sheep backbone of the intarwebs; the rally of CHANers, the bane of devianTARTlets, the enricher of Encyclopedia Dramatica, the right hand man of Rick Astley.
I have a love/hate relationship with 4chan (well...all the "chans" and the internet meme/subculture/monsters that have resulted from such) and the like. While I applaud and lulz at Anon (and Anonwannabes) showing no mercy to those who deserve none (I can't even begin to tell you how funny I find "an heroes" to be), I also find the various levels of immaturity to just be plain...well....obnoxious. I have a secret desire to TROLL FOR GREAT JUSTICE while at the same time wonder why even bother. And yes, some of the stuff that goes about in the deepest darkest tubes of the internets where plans are being held and forgiveness is not shown....well, even I'm offended by.
I find Anonymous to be incredibly cruel and yet heroic at the same time. However, Anonymous has many faces spanning the series of tubes that make up the internet (alterternatively; the Sears Tower is also a series of tubes) and it is known to many that these tubes, this internets, cannot be controlled under one definable logic (or lack thereof)
I'm not sure what the hell the point of this post is other than its late and I'm not tired and I wanted something to write about.....not like it matters anyway. Oh, wait.....INTERNETS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS...amirite?