Dec 20, 2010 13:20
1) I have onychophasia (Google it darlings) and fairly prominent depression that comes in waves.
2) I have a penguin army and I am not afraid to use it. They fly and will peck your eyes out.
3) Tea can fix just about anything. It is one the same level as mocha. If those don't do it hot cocoa will!
4) I'm a singer (duh)/ musician/ songwriter.
5) I'm probably going to be stuck in this town forever. (We all know that the hometown is like a black hole- no one ever leaves!)
6) I'm afraid of the government. "they" will kill us all, just give it time.
7) Most of the characters I write are based on folks I know, but not intentionally... I only find out about it talking to them months later.
8) I don't really have any "Best" friends... I think there might be one.
9) I will never eat olives. Don't even try to make me. I will spit them back out at you.
10) I do most of my living in my head. (meaning travel, relationships, conversations, future plans, etc., all gets imagined, which is why I'm not too talkative with strangers...)
11) I don't understand why most people care about some most things... which I suppose is another way of saying that I've got a hard time relating to people.
12) I loathe the word "beautiful", especially if one has the audacity to lie and use it in a positive manner with my name.
13) I don't believe in true happiness or love or fairness or any version of the Christian God.
14) The people who genuinely do believe in those things need to be treasured because they give this world meaning and worth.
15) When people are unaware of the world around them all of the time I think they're idiots who should be quarantined so the stupid doesn't spread.
16) I like pears and yoga. I like them a lot.
17) I find arguing with conservatives to be fun and entertaining, so long as we end our argument with loving "fuck you"'s and continue to agree to disagree.
18) I'll be 18 in five months. You scared yet?