May 02, 2008 00:46
Princess Fiona... I don't want measuring tape for my birhtday! hahahahha :P anyway i found one.. so....
here are my measurements:
Left arm: 13.4"
Right arm: 13.2"
Left thigh: 24"
Right thigh: 24"
Above belly button: 31.5"
Below belly button: 35.8"
Butt: 39.4"
Hip: 37"
That's the first measurement i've taken in like a thousand years. hahaha exaggerating cos i seriously can't remember when was the last time i really measured.
Oh well.
I think we should all set a time we want to hit for the shape run; a more specific timing rather then just run below 1 hour. I don't know.. what do you girls think?
My target: 50min fot 10k. Sounds like an impossible timing to me but i'm willing to try.
Been online researching on how people train for marathons and stuff. Most of them run like 30 to 40 min daily for 4 days, rest for 1-2 days, then have a long run on one weekend day - but the long run's inreasing slowly.. like 10k the first week, 13 the next,, that kind of thing... then they'll peak, and slow down their milage closer to competition date to allow the body to recover faster.... will search more online.. (:
marathon training