
Feb 09, 2009 09:32

~ It seems like newshfan   will continue to sub KAT-TUN clips for us! Yay! So just ignore my post from yesterday. I do think that there are some points in it which are relevant though. XD

~ I think I managed to get myself a club box the other day. I have no idea how it works but I must be doing something right since I've managed to dl a couple of things. I do wish I knew how to make it go faster though. What's the difference between CB and torrents btw? Does someone know? *is very confused*

~ Watched the cut with Kis-my-ft2's new song from SC. The song, don't remember it's name, felt like it could belong to kanjani8. XD Very happy and goofy. LOL Not really their style but still good.

~ Family outing!! Top as guest!! *laughs* Want to watch grown-ups having a snowball fight or scream when they have to prepare fish? Then watch the latest ep. XD

Oh and Daesung, don't bully your hyung. Look what happened. *giggles* (It was very well deserved btw! LOLs) I loved Top's expressions when Daesung was bossing him around! XDDD

Credit to 빅권죠@bbvipz

Edit: Just saw that Kim Bum was in yet another car accident over at K Bites. It doesn't seem like it was something serious, his toe/s got hurt.

big bang

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