Title: Discarded magazine
Rating: Gen
Wordcount: 1071
Characters: Kenken, Ryuji
Summary: Kenken gets a visit.
A/N: I wrote this for
meibi, I hope it's ok. ^__^ Umm, does Kenken have a younger sister? *facepalms* I'm too tired to look it up.....
Kenken was sitting on his bed reading a magazine, to be honest he wasn’t even sure what magazine he was looking at. He wasn’t actually reading it as much as he was browsing through it. Kenken sighed and looked outside his window. Being sick was such a bother, he had no energy, he wanted to sleep but he was too tired to sleep and his mother was hovering over him and he was bored and yet he didn’t feel like doing anything.
Kenken continued to stare out the window, looking at the old tree in the garden was much more interesting than reading whatever it was he was not actually reading. Being home again had been a relief, and it was nice having his mother taking care of him.
The worst thing with being sick was that he had let so many people down, he felt bad for stepping out of so many of his projects in the last second, he was relieved that everything had worked out alright but he still felt guilty. His management told him that it was ok and that he would have plenty of opportunities to catch up and make amends if he felt like it once he was healthy again though.
Kenken’s fingers absently played with the discarded magazine. He knew that he shouldn’t blame himself for being sick and that it only led to him feeling depressed and sad but….. His main problem was that he loved his work, he loved being busy and being forced to be inactive gave him too much time to think and brood.
There was a light knock on the door. “Kenta honey, you have visitor.” His mother smiled at him and then motioned to the unknown person to enter. “I’ll leave you boys alone, but if you want something give me a call, ok?”
“Hi Kenken, brought you some chocolate.” Ryuji walked closer and held out the arm that was not in a bandage towards Kenken, he was holding a small bag and Kenken reached out and took it.
“Thanks, have a seat?” Kenken took a quick peek inside and saw that it was his favourite brand of chocolate.
Ryuji smiled and sat down. “You do like chocolate, right?”
Kenken stared at him in disbelief, “Of course I do! Who doesn’t? And you brought me my favourite!”
Ryuji looked ridiculously pleased. Kenken looked suspiciously at him. “Wait a minute, you already know I like chocolate!”
Ryuji laughed, “It was kind of hard to miss with you always snagging some whenever it was available.” Kenken pouted.
“I did not!” He protested, but he couldn’t contain his smile.
“Oh yes you did! You even wrestled poor Shugo for it and you tricked Kenn for a piece too!”
“I so did not!”
“You did!”
“There are plenty of witnesses.”
“………. I’m sick, you should be nice to me.” Kenken whined and then he laughed. “My chocolate is precious to me, you know.”
Ryuji laughed, “Well since I was so nice and brought you some, don’t I deserve a treat?”
Kenken eyed the younger man and looked down at his chocolate. “Hmm, I don’t know…”
When Kenken looked up Ryuji had moved closer to him and was making himself comfortable against the headboard. “You have a really nice room.”
“Yes, it is, and if my younger sister wouldn’t insist on putting her things in here as soon as I’m not here it would be so much better.”
Ryuji lifted his left eyebrow, “Are you saying that those dolls and posters aren’t yours? And here I thought you are a big fan of YamaPi.”
Kenken snorted, “The posters are going down as soon as I can be bothered but that’s not the worst thing, the worst thing is when opening my closet and finding dresses and skirts! Don’t laugh at me, it’s serious, anyone who opens my closet could get the wrong idea!”
Ryuji snickered, “Closet, get it?” Kenken gave an exaggerated sigh and grumbled “Humour you have not.”
“Ahhh, but you’re so cute in a dress!”
“Be happy that you are injured, I have a policy of not hitting injured people.”
“Do you have a pink dress in your closet? I think you’d…… Hey what are going to do with that pillow? Ouch! I’m injured here! Oi!”
Kenken smiled angelical at Ryuji before lifting the pillow he had armed himself with, “Injured? I don’t see any injured people here, I see an annoying-“ Kenken yelped and found himself on his back pinned with Ryuji making himself comfortable on his stomach.
Kenken couldn’t help himself and started laughing, he hadn’t had this much fun in a long time and bantering with a very good friend made him so happy, but suddenly he yawned.
Ryuji got off him and once again he leaned back against the headboard. “Tired?”
Kenken nodded, “A little bit but it’s fine, after all you went through all the trouble of coming here and visiting me, so the least I can do is to stay awake.”
Ryuji looked a bit embarrassed, “I have a confession to make, I asked your mother if it’s alright for me to stay over, after all I don’t have anything to do right now, and she said it’s ok. So, why don’t you take a nap or something, and I’ll be here when you wake up.”
Kenken smiled sleepily, “Really?”
“If you’re sure you won’t mind, sorry for being such a terrible host.” Kenken curled up on his side facing Ryuji who bent forward and grabbed a discarded blanket that lay folded at the end of the bed and gently covered his friend with it.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it, and if I get bored I can probably ask your mother or your sister about embarrassing childhood stories.”
Ryuji didn’t get an answer to that since Kenken had already fallen asleep. Ryuji looked down at the sleeping young man beside him and noted that some of Kenken’s hair had fallen down into his face. Ryuji gently pushed the hair away and fussed with the blanket some more and then reached for the discarded magazine. Ryuji lay down and started browsing through it in search for some interesting articles.
When Kenken’s mother looked into the room ten minutes later she found not one boy, but two boys sleeping soundly, one curled up under a blanket and one with a magazine covering his chest.