Dec 28, 2004 18:46
I hate "(<---Quote ) "Emo People" (Quote ----->)" People
Who say they hate the world.....psht tuffin up you fucking pansy
. Lmao . so shit goes wrong stop complaining .......(It makes u
seem like a dult) It is not cute . Haha...........
Lyndsay said the naughyest word ever the other day ..........well
next to Jew That is. She said nigger....i hate that word. Like Kneegrow
is funny nigger is just bitch faced. I also hate the word spic
but at the same time love it b.c its so f***ing funny to say .
Like say it over and over and it sounds odd.
Hahah im pretty sure i started christmas way cooler then anyone ealse.
It was like 12.00am exaclty ....... I was In the Bathroom strightening my hair and my dad called me
"Dad Im In The Bathroom Hold on"
so like 4 minutes later i walk out and im like "Yeah doode?"(btw
my word for daddy is doode and i know what ur going to say so dont say
it!!!! and hes like nevermind you were snotty' . And im like
"And WHAT?"
And he's like i was gonna make ua ham sandwich but were
snotty and im like "Daddy what would u have prefered me say ""Im
sry dad im takin a shit ill be right with ya" And hes like " Not
quite like that but a daddy im in the bathroom hold on woulda been
And my moms like rick thats what she said. And i go "im sry dad
lets try that agian" and i ran into the bathroom and was like " in the
crapper be right with ya " and i walked out and he's like thats
better. And then i notice it was 12: 00 exactly and I cut off
what ever my moome was saying and go merry Kwansa !!and my
brother goes your a ho go away .
And Then Later That Night my 25 Year Old cousin wipped this huge ass
snot wad on my 20 year old cousin and hes like " see kelly im a giver
...." it was so funny
My family is so RETARDED !!!!! I Love Them.
(Felis navi Da rythm)
Police took My car...... Police took my car .......Becuse i hit
santa outside de bar. Ohhh Police took my car....police
took my car.... becuase i hit santa outside de bar!!!
Classy huh?