Dec 24, 2004 23:47
The 3rcness: Merry Christmas
Auto response from DemonGummieBear1: Kneegrow you is one sorry ass motha fucka.
The 3rcness: w00t
DemonGummieBear1: BItch whats that suppose to mean
DemonGummieBear1: im jewish
The 3rcness: oh well
The 3rcness: sry
The 3rcness: happy kwanzaa
DemonGummieBear1: thats better
DemonGummieBear1: much more jew friendly
The 3rcness: find a cure for them louse- crabs yet?
DemonGummieBear1: no
The 3rcness: maybe santa will bring it for you
The 3rcness: haha
DemonGummieBear1: thad be nice
And Thats What Christmas is all Aboot Damnit!!