Dec 24, 2004 14:33
My Knee has a pretty bruise from yesterday.
TOdays been super simple and fun . I woke up a 1:00 and ive been watching the FUSE countdown with my brother (Even though I don't LIke half the songs lol) Then my mommy got up and now shes watching it .....and she hates this kinda moosic.And my dads asleep so everything is like perfect.Me and My brother are being civil .......GASP!!!!!!!
FRANZ!........I Love The FRANZ!!!!
Mofo .
Oh BTW FOr Dani's Benifit The post about The Word Poser Was Random It wasn't Prevoked.....No One Called Me a Poser....Thad MAke Me Happy....I Just DOn't Like That WOrd....ThaTs AlL.
No Need TO Open A Big Can Of Woop Ass. Bye.