Apr 14, 2009 11:22
so erin has brought me back to livejournal! i actually remembered my password. it's ELIJAHWOOD. yeah, because i used to be obsessed with elijah wood. i remember bringing cupcakes to school to celebrate his birthday. that's so lame. and actually pretty embarasing. okay well now i have to change my password since i just posted it for all the world to see.
just waiting for 320 to start. that class sucks narky nark. i'm pretty sure i didn't spend $1600 for tuition this quarter to learn how to 'brainstorm' and make fishbone charts.
hm, what else?
oh yeah. last night at the gym i went swimming and i was talking to this guy in the spa later. i asked him how he got so tan, because i wanted to know how tan i could get just from swimming. he told me he was born that dark. yeah, he was black (african american). oops, my badz. i wish i was african american, or filipino or something...then i'd be naturally tan! but im chinese so of course im white as a...caucasian person?
also i am hungry.
and boring.
this post is dedicated to erin dorsey.