Sep 14, 2005 17:15
This is a list of things that irk me:
Definitely. THAT IS HOW THE WORD IS SPELLED. Its really quite simple. Think of the word "definite"....then add "ly" and BAM you got yourself definitely. not definatly, not definitily but DEFINITELY.
"Alot" NO. ITS SPELLED A LOT. There is a big whopping space in the middle of the A and the L. This is probobly one of my biggest pet peeves. That and misplaced commas. Commas should only be used when you feel like there should be a pause in the sentence. Therefore a 3 word setence most likely does not require the use of a comma.
My ear. I think i have an ear infection. First my eye sight, now my hearing? I think i am falling apart.
Andrew seems to like to surpise me and show up at my house when i happen to look my grossest. Oh yes, my fashionably mismatched appearance that you see at school is all an uncomfortable ruse.I let it all hang out after school, i dont care what you think. After 1:45 or 3:30 im probobly in my pyjamas. Comfort first y'know?
AP GOVERNMENT I believe Mr. Mamer thinks that our class is probobly the dumbest class at Northwood. It makes me realize that i know very little about the united states government.
Federalist papers. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Horrible. I need to learn them really well or else i am toast.
On another note:
I may be going to Italy this summer....with Andrew! His chorus is going to be there for about 13 days and he's allowed to bring people so he wants to bring myself ofcourse and ofcourse i want to come so hopefully. Ive never been to europe. Exciting.
Ahhhh! I am really excited for chicago in march. I hope itll be like New York times 10 because New York was one of the best highschool experiences of all time. I still get goosebumps.