Aug 22, 2005 14:31
Everyone was right. It sucks. Actually i do like folding the shirts when they get messy because i am by nature a neat freak, but what i really hate the most are go backs.
Go Backs: you know when you try on things at clothing store and you give the dressing room attendent the stuff you dont want? Well what you don't see is what happens after. Shuffling through hangers and never EVER fiding that damned size 14, pinched fingers from trying to put jeans back on to the hanger via those silver clamp things, mountains and mountains of clothes just piling before your very eyes and theres nothing you can do about it. Ugh so anyway youre just supposed to put everything back to where it came from. Too bad this honestly takes an hour if you dont know where everything is in the store.
I HATE HANGERS. I HATE HAVING TO HANG THINGS AND MAKE SURE THE HANGERS MATCH (I DONT DO THAT)ughhh. Well i'm quitting soon (by the end of this week) because
a. my mom doesnt want me to have a job when school starts
b. a better potential "job" has come along where i can work with my friends and im sure itd be better than working at old navy.
Oh well.
In other news
Andrew has moved to his apartment in Long Beach. :(
Driving test round 2 next monday. oh no.
My shoulders hurt
I saw the Skelaton key with Natalie, Shayne and Kelli and it was ok. Not too creepy just a bit bizarre. OMG THE EXORISIM OF EMMA ROSE LOOKS SOOOO UNBELIEVABLEY SCARY!!!! agggh i couldn't even look at the previews, i saw one students "eyes" melt out of his face and now im scarred for life. NOT SEEING IT.
Come to think of it, i've never even seen the Exorcist because i'd probobly be too shaken to ever go to sleep again and become paranoid of becoming posessed myself. I'd honestly sleep with a rosary every night or something. Id only see those type of movies when im married and will have someone to hold me in the night. ahhh im so lame.