
Jan 10, 2006 14:00

_______ totaled his car yesterday. There were two other people in the car too. They could have died. And I really wanted to come with them, too. I could have come on that road trip with them if it weren't for my mom. I could have been one of those people. Well aside from a few scratches, they're pretty much fine, but you have no idea how close they were to death. I have no idea either. But from my understanding, it was pretty damn close. The thing is, I had a feeling that was going to happen. I haven't been in a car with him too often, but those times that I had, he drove really fast and would brake suddenly. I guess he's trying to show off or something because there's really no reason for it. But now he got played and maybe he'll learn his lesson. I really hope so. It's selfish to do that when there's other people's safety at risk. He just laughed it off and said he'll get another car. He'll get another car??? What about people like me who would love to have a car and would take decent care of it but can't afford to have one? WHATever. And then he's all, "You know I'm really glad you didn't come because I think you would have gotten hurt. You know me and _____ and ______ are all strong guys. We can take care of ourselves. You're so little that you probably would have gotten hurt and I'd be worried about you." Grrr. I hate pick-up lines that also insult you simultaneously. Even though he didn't mean it that way. Well guess what? Had I been on that road trip with you that wouldn't have even happened because I wouldn't have let your ass drive all stupid. Well, he's a really nice guy and a good friend, but in the words of everyone's mother, "I'm very disappointed" in him. And now he wants to hang out today.

So tell me something. What is a good reason to date someone? Do you have to be whipped? Or can you just enjoy that person's company while you wait for someone better to come along? No. That sounds horrible. But so many people do it and they call it dating. So is that okay? Also, is it okay to date someone if you're in love with someone else in the hopes that maybe, MAYBE you might get over that person and fall in love with the one you're dating 'cause he treats you right? Or what if you're just horny and want to have a fuck buddy but don't want people to think you're a slut? Yeah, that's not possible. The thing is, I'm not exactly attracted to this guy, but he really likes me and I know he would treat me really good but I can't see myself ending up with someone who does all those hard drugs and shit so it probably wouldn't work. Well, I guess it isn't a good idea. Ass. ASS, I tell you!!! Why do I have to be so fucking shallow? No. I'm not shallow. But honestly, in the very end, I want to be with someone attractive. I put in the effort to be attractive, and I deserve someone as hot as me, and as loving and as outgoing as me, goddamn it. And I don't care how cocky that sounds. Why should I do all that work to better myself just to settle for someone who hasn't tried nearly as hard? Why??? Why. Why? Because that's all I can get. Apparently. Maybe guys like me just don't exist. I should be a guy. I would be hot and funny and charismatic and loving and courteous. But instead I'm just a female stuck in a massive crowd of other women who always have something I don't have and nothing is fucking good enough because I'm not hot enough and I'm not ugly enough. I'm right in between which means I deserve more but will have to settle for less.

You see, this is my theory. Really hot guys who have a great personality and basically everything you could want, well they can pretty much have any girl they want. Well if there's me and there's another girl who's got the same personality as me except way hotter, who is he gonna choose? Obviously. Then there's the guys who have this mindset that pretty girls are users and cheat and shit, so they get with homely girls because they know they won't leave them, so again I'm screwed. You know what? I'm just being picky. Because I've decided that I'm probably gonna get my heart broken again no matter who I get with because no one wants to get married at this age, they just wanna fuck so I might as well at least do it with someone hot for once unlike in the past. At least then we'll be a hot couple for a little while and take hot pictures since everything is so shallow and stupid anyway and we'll think we're crazy about each other because we're so hot and then he'll leave me or take me for granted but only after he takes a little more of my purity away so I'll feel dirtier because that's how it is. But at LEAST he'll be hot. But fuck, I can't even get that to happen. Lame. Laaaaaaaaaame. What do you guys think?
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