i'm generalizing here... but i've found that talking to people in the music industry can lack that moderate intellectualism that's needed to keep me engaged. i know i'm a snob, but i don't care if you think hoobastank ripped off a refused chord progression. (and yes, i know who refused are. and no, i don't care about viking metal. or thrice. or your stupid pin collection on your stupid messenger bag). the truth is, i actually really like noise and prog rock. but you didn't catch that, because you were too busy listening to yourself speak, loudly, about how much you know about every type of music on the planet, ever. and you didn't really care about connecting with me on any real level over our mutual love of mum... you were just using it as a vehicle to the next pointless band story.
mostly, you just came off as a douche bag. and i actually praised god this morning that i didn't go into the music industry - because if i had to deal with people like you on a regular basis, i'd probably be a much meaner person. as it is, i already have a low opinion of you. but i have a moral conscience when it comes to dealing with people who love music because i love music and i want people to respect that. so i didn't say anything to you this morning when you started to grate on my brain, even though i wanted to. it never matters what someone listens to, as long as they can carry a good conversation about it. you, unfortunately, can only have conversations that stroke your ego. and i just don't have a tolerance for that.