Well, the ballots are in and President Bush wins yet again. Yet another crappy four years to look forward to with Bush. Kerry was so close, all he needed was Ohio, that's it. But no, stupid Ohio people had to vote for Bush. Well, POO ON YOU!! (I don't really mean Ohio people are stupid, because my dad was born and raised there, but you know what I
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I agree 1000000%%%
With Marshall that is LOL.
You don't even have to be Christian to know that Abortion and Stem Cell Research is wrong. Kerry supported partial birth abortion, which involves inducing labor and then breeching the delivery and collapsing the babies skull, inevitably killing the baby while it is alive and could live if the aborionist didn't kill it. And, should abortionists fail to kill the baby, it comes out clinging to life and they leave it in a cold metal sink or trash can gasping for air since it's lungs are still premature, and they let it die that way, or the abortionist "assists nature" if you will, and presses his finger on the baby's throat, thus choking it to death. These are the thing Kerry supports. Bush wanted this practice abolished and by God, he got it. Thank the Lord on that one. What I and most other normal human beings believe is that life starts at conception, therefore when you kill a baby to get its stem cells, that's murder, when you could get the SAME cells from the umbilical cord.why kill babies to get them? Cuz far left liberals are lunatics that get turned on at the mere thought of killing babies LOL (kidding).
Gay marriages are more of a moral thing. THe Bible clearly states marriage is ONLY between man and woman. Kerry must not go by the good book. Seeing as how he was denied communion by his own Catholic church since he went against his own beliefs just to get votes from the gays. And DUH gay married couples shouldn't be allowed to adopt, think of what those kids will grow up thinking, "I have two daddy's where's my mommy? What is a mommy? Is my dad #2 my mommy? He's the bitch, daddy #1 is the Butch. Wait I'm confused, does this make me gay?" Those kids would be mental cases growing up let alone probably turn out to be gay as well. Then they go and complain about aids... #1 Cure for Aids, get your johnson out of his boootaayy. First symtom of aids is: Pounding sensation in your anus, aka you got somethin in there that wasnt meant to be in there, aka a male shaft.
The rest are just false assumtions with 0 credible proof, unless you believe the far left liberals (Ted Kennedy and his gangsters) who talk out of their behinds, sounds kinda funny you should listen to it.
Not mentioned in here is Kerry's plan for draft, go check out his website, he states HIMSELF that he has.. had, lol, plans to require a MANDATORY SERVICE of ALL High School students and in return he would give them full college to a basic university. He said it himself, not much you can argue with about that. Wait, Ted Kennedy voted for reinstituting the Draft, and he supports Kerry's plan, does that mean Kerry had somethin' up his sleeve? Interesting!
Look at the polls, Bush set a new record on Popular votes, he has more popular votes than ANY OTHER US president has EVER had in American History. That says something about the man, people love him.
To answer your question, I do believe his plan is the better of the two, Kerry is a backstabbing antiwar liberal who prolonged Vietnam war resulting in further spread of communism in that country and making our POWs stay there 2 years longer than they could have. I think it's a safe bet that he was havin' fun in the opium fields (kidding). Of the two Political DVDs that were made, the more FACTUAL one was "Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal" about Kerry and his Antiwar liberalist scum. Stupid GOP lol Grand Old Party my foot.
I think my space is about up, if I think of it I'll write more later.
Taa taa Danielle.
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