Tainted Love

Jun 04, 2012 21:40

Title:  Tainted Love
Author:  vintagelamb/mybabci
Artist:  angelic666
Beta:  jacob1206
FYI:  My beta rocks, but my being the horrible procrastinator that I am, there was quite a bit of fic that I was unable to send to her for editing, as she was busy in NYC, seeing ESS on the big screen and fangirling with our friends.  Nope, I'm not jealous...not at all.  *hmmmph*  In any case, there will be errors...please don't judge me too harshly.
Rating:  M
Warnings:  M/M, illness, fringe character death (unrelated to illness mentioned)
Word Count:  17,100
A/N:  The video inspiration for this fic knocked me on my ass, it is sheer perfection.  Honestly, there is no way I can do it justice, as it is an epic story all on its own...but I hope that angelic isn't too disappointed with where this fic went.

This pretty much follows canon up until the night on the patio of the Lily Pad...however, Chris Hughes is not a factor at all, as he never came back to Oakdale.  The timeline will jump back and forth between August of 2010 and May of 2013...I hope I've indicated the switches sufficiently and it's not confusing.

May 2013

Reid picked up the bottle of lager with fingers he vainly willed to steady. He’d done a whole lot of “nervous” in the last couple of years, but this was something all together different. He wished that he could convince himself that the way his body was reacting could be blamed on the slightly bumpy flight from New York that he’d disembarked from only a couple of hours before, but he knew better. This was a day he’d been both dreading and anticipating for so long that he scarcely believed that it had finally come. He was going to see him again. For Reid Oliver, there had only ever been and would only ever be one him, and today, he was going to be a stark reminder of everything he’d ever hoped for and everything he’d lost.

He felt him approach before he actually laid eyes on him. When he slid into the bar stool beside him, Reid nearly used up every ounce of his reserve to keep his eyes trained forward, desperate to keep this reunion as impersonal and detached as possible, desperate to shield himself from all of the emotions this blast from the past might arouse.


Hearing the breathless plea incited the ache in the pit of his stomach that had never truly dissipated, and he said the only word his thick tongue and suddenly dry throat would allow.


August 2010

“Will you miss him?”

“Very much, but, you’re the one I wanna be with. If I wanted to be with Noah, I would move to LA with him. Okay?”

Luke pulled Reid in for a kiss, one so full and complete that it almost made Reid forget. Almost.

“Go inside, no one’s home.”

“I have surgery in the morning at 8, I should go.”

“Unless you’d rather stay.”

“No, you’re the one that wanted to take it slow. You got your wish.”

Reid turned to leave, already regretting his decision, much as he regretted almost everything that had transpired over the last couple of hours. He’d seen the look of hurt and uncertainty in Luke’s eyes as he’d dealt his parting shot and he knew it was unfair and a bit sadistic on his part. In fact, Reid knew exactly what it was to feel like less and to be left wanting and those were the reasons that he had tried so desperately for so damned long to put some space between himself and Luke. This shit fucking HURT and it was both humiliating and exhausting. He felt like he was starting to lay himself a little bit too bare, and that had come back to bite him in the ass tonight. Fucking Noah Mayer…always the specter hovering in the shadows, mocking him and all of these feelings that he was so inept to handle and organize.

As he took a step in the direction of his car, his body stiff with the disappointment and frustration that was, at least partially, his own doing, he felt a warm hand encircle his wrist and pull him back so that he was once again just a breath away from Luke. Feeling every muscle slowly warm and loosen, Reid tried to hide the hope and desperation that ran through him as he turned around. He didn’t want to want a man that was still so wrapped up in everything that was his “first love”, but God knew he was dangerously close to taking Luke in any way he could get him, one step away from settling for being second best.

As Luke slid an arm around his waist and pulled him forward, his hand still gripping Reid’s wrist, he tried to look anywhere but at Luke, knowing that if he did, all of his stoic resolve would crumble into a mess of neediness. Doctor Reid Oliver did NOT do needy. He couldn’t. Unfortunately, the sound of Luke’s voice, slightly breathy and pleading, brought his attention directly to Luke’s liquid brown eyes and, for Reid, at this moment, there could not have been a place that was less safe.

“Reid, don’t leave things like this. Please.”

Luke let go of Reid’s wrist and raised his hand to card his fingers through Reid’s short curls before reaching behind his head and pulling him in so that their lips were only a breath apart.

“I want you, Reid and I want to be with you in every way possible. Let me show you how much.”

Luke closed the gap between their mouths and Reid was overwhelmed by the heat and the power emanating from Luke’s full, firm lips. They’d had some mildly passionate make-out sessions in the last couple of weeks, but this was something altogether different. He’d let Luke set the pace whenever they were physically close, despite how much he’d wanted to take back some of that control, but Luke had never devoured him like he was at that moment.

Reid’s head was spinning and it seemed that any control he’d continued to exercise with Luke was dancing out of his grasp a little more with each flick of Luke’s warm tongue and every low moan that escaped his mouth. Then, just as Reid desperately tried to recapture his last shred of restraint, Luke’s arm pulled him in so that their bodies were nearly completely flush and everything he knew to be right and orderly came completely undone, leaving him devoid of anything but utter want.

Until then, Reid had defiantly kept his arms at his sides, determined to maintain some dominion over his own body and its reactions to this man. He’d already let too much slip, and he knew that if he caved even another fraction, he’d never be able to retrieve that part of himself. But, feeling Luke’s wide, muscular chest against his own and the fullness of his erection rubbing Reid’s already hard cock through their pants, he gave up the ghost of control and roughly wrapped his arms around Luke’s back, his hands kneading into the hard muscle.

He felt Luke melt against him, as if Reid’s acquiescence had freed something inside of him. Sighing, Luke moved his lips from Reid’s and began sucking wet kisses along Reid’s jaw until he’d made his way to Reid’s earlobe, which he sucked into his mouth, letting his teeth graze against the soft nub before gently licking it with his tongue, causing Reid to shiver and his breath to hitch.

Then, slowly, Luke released Reid’s lobe and moved his lips so that they were moving against Reid’s ear and Reid felt his cock jolt at the rush of soft air as Luke whispered.

“Come inside with me, Reid. Now.”

Later, Reid would likely be a bit embarrassed by how quickly he’d capitulated, how little time he’d spent at war with himself before he looked into Luke‘s eyes and nodded his head, but this was Luke…the man he’d been a little bit in love with since he’d first laid eyes on that fluffy hair, those hound dog eyes and that wide smile. This was Luke, the man he’d thought he’d never have, the man who had, in effect, turned his life into something more befitting a soap opera than what should have been the highbrow existence befitting a world-class neurosurgeon. This was the man for whom he’d called off all bets, the man who’d changed him on such a fundamental level that he sometimes scarcely remembered the person he’d been prior to arriving in this provincial little ‘burb.

Yes, once upon a time, when he hadn’t been operating or pouring over scans in order to soon be operating, Reid had filled his time with men more numerous to count. He’d learned early on to rarely see the same man more than twice (you could usually get one repeat performance out of them before they’d start asking you where you thought this relationship is going. He’d simply not had the time for complications in his personal life, and relationships were fraught with them. Until their deaths when he was 11, his parents had a model relationship really, and, yet, their emotions and their devotion to each other had been so all-consuming that Reid had realized, even at that young age, that if he wanted to accomplish everything he’d dreamed of and become the kind of surgeon who’d change the world one brain at a time, he was going to have to avoid that at all cost. And, frankly, that hadn’t been very difficult at all until a few short months ago. Until Luke, there had never been anyone who’d so much as mildly interested him in pursuing anything further than a mutual physical release.

Now, here he was, two strong arms pulling him into the doorway to what he knew would be the point of no return, the entry to the rest of his life. It wasn’t as if he wasn’t already so fucking far gone on this guy, but this? Even without the benefit of having experienced anything remotely like it before, he knew that sex with Luke would end the constant treading water to keep his head above water and he’d be well and truly drowning in everything Luke and hope and, oh dear God, love?

His eyes must have betrayed some of his silent self-monologue, because he was snapped out of his reverie when he felt Luke’s lips caress his own, his tongue sliding out to softly lick Reid’s bottom lip in the way that weeks of making out had revealed drove Reid crazy. Moaning, Reid grabbed Luke’s upper arms and, as Luke reached back to turn the knob, pushed him backwards through the door and into the house, indubitably ending any question as to his response to Luke’s invitation.


Once they were safely ensconced in Luke’s bedroom, both of them breathless from the exertion of trying to climb the stairs while their lips continued to explore every exposed inch of skin, and Reid had checked and double-checked that the door was absolutely locked because “the people in your life seem to be in the habit of crossing boundaries and popping up at the most inopportune moments”, they separated, panting, and just stared at one another.

As his eyes scanned Luke for any hesitation, he couldn’t help the niggling doubt that crept back in. What about Noah? Where was Noah going to fit into all of this? Luke still couldn’t seem to separate himself from everything the two of them had shared, regardless of how truly dysfunctional it had been in reality. He didn’t want Noah to factor at all into this, what he really wanted, if he was honest, was for Noah Mayer to disappear into L.A.‘s vacuous pit where he belonged. He didn’t want to share Luke with the ridiculous Neanderthal, he wanted to brand Luke’s fantastic ass with a big, fat “R” and tell Noah Mayer to fuck the hell off.

Good God, where was all of this insecurity coming from? Reid had been ready to pounce on Luke in that hotel room a couple of weeks ago, but time had only made him less confident somehow. He found himself tied up in knots over this man, needing him far more than he had meant to allow. Katie had warned him that this shitty feeling in his stomach was “love”, but at the time, he’d thought that was the worst of it. Little did he know…

It was Luke who first broke the spell as he closed the space between them once again to reach out to take Reid’s head in his hands, his fingers firmly pressing into back of Reid’s head while his thumbs caressed the stubble forming on his cheeks.

“I want you inside of me, Reid. Let me show you…it’s just you.”

Reid had always considered himself an equal opportunity kind of guy. And, while tended to adhere to the adage that it was better to give than to receive, he was pretty much just dandy with getting it any way it came. But, he’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit that most of his jerking off material of the last few months had been imagining himself plunged balls deep inside of Luke. And so, every reservation Reid had melted away and all that remained was an aching need to feel Luke surround him in every way possible. Licking his suddenly dry lips, he slowly ran his fingertips up Luke’s sides, his cock jerking as he felt Luke tremble beneath his touch. Luke’s response made Reid bolder and he slowly reached up to push Luke’s jacket off of his shoulders, letting his hands caress down Luke’s powerful biceps as the black material fell to the floor.

As he lifted his slightly shaking hands to begin unbuttoning Luke’s dress shirt, he felt Luke’s hands on his chest doing the same. They locked eyes as they took their time with the buttons, as if they were both committed to making this part last because they knew that once they were undressed, there would be no slowing them down.

Once Luke’s shirt was completely opened, Reid took some time to let his hands smooth over the baby soft hair that generously covered Luke’s chest, his eyes following the movement of his hands, marveling at over how utterly fucking beautiful Luke was. He circled both hands outward from Luke’s pecs, letting his thumbs graze over the dusty peach nipples, eliciting a deep-throated gasp from Luke. He felt Luke’s hands freeze on his own buttons and he looked up to find Luke’s mouth slightly open, his head thrown back, and the part of him that wanted to languorously map out every inch of Luke’s body was immediately overridden by the need for more….now.

“Fuck. Luke.”

Reid brought his hands down and quickly unbuckled Luke’s belt, then, in one fluid movement, he opened Luke’s pants, the sound of the zipper overpowered by Luke’s gasps as Reid’s fingers just barely came in contact with his erection. Almost desperate from Luke’s noises, Reid dropped to his knees and swiftly pulled the pants down until they pooled at Luke’s ankles, pausing to a moment to appreciate the white cotton-clad bulge. He could see a wet spot already forming, so he stuck his tongue out to lick at it delicately, and was instantly rewarded by the slight thrust of Luke’s hips, his body asking for more. He looked up at Luke and felt his own cock jump. Luke looked positively wrecked, standing above him with his dress shirt hanging open, and Reid couldn’t help the little swell of pride that came with knowing that he had done that to him.

He dipped his head back in and mouthed the head of Luke’s erection, smiling around it as he felt Luke jerk once again. After a light, teasing nip of his teeth, Reid sat back on his knees to send Luke’s briefs to join his pants on the floor. Finally seeing what their frottage sessions had been promising forced Reid to close his eyes and take a few deep breaths in order to control his own desperate cock. When he reopened them, he couldn’t help the guttural moan that escaped his lips before he took Luke into his mouth, his hands moving behind Luke to grasp the firm pillows of Luke‘s ass.

Just like everything else about Luke, his cock was warm and smooth, with just the faintest hint of what Reid had learned on one of their “dates”, was Luke’s cedarwood body wash. Reid sighed to himself as he acknowledged the fact that even Luke’s cock was beautiful and perfect, he tasted and smelled even better than he could have imagined, and he truly was going to be more far gone after this night, just as he had suspected…and dreaded.

Luke moaned his impatience and Reid realized that he’d been relatively motionless while he’d been contemplating Luke’s perfection, so he began to slowly move his mouth up and down Luke’s shaft, his tongue trailing behind with every push and pull. Sensing from Luke’s gasps and thrusts that he wasn’t going to last very long if Reid continued, Reid gave Luke’s cock one final suck and dipped his head a little lower to softly lick and kiss Luke’s balls, before kissing his way back up Luke’s body until they were once again face to face.

He pulled Luke in and kissed him with every ounce of passion that he’d been harboring for the last few weeks, hoping that Luke could feel all of the things he didn’t know how to say. Luke opened his mouth to accept Reid’s tongue and offer his own in return as he shrugged out of his shirt, leaving himself completely naked and pressed up against Reid’s still fully clothed body.

Pulling back, Luke looked Reid up and down and sucked in a harsh breath before finishing what he’d started earlier and pulling the rest of Reid’s shirt apart, not seeming to care when the remaining buttons flew in different directions. Reid nearly whined about that being his favorite shirt, but then remembered that he was a very comfortable neurosurgeon and he was going to fuck…holy shit he was going to FUCK…Richie Rich, so one or the other of them could go out and buy 10 more just like it if they wanted to, so screw the shirt. Besides, he didn’t want anything to get in the way of what Luke was doing at that moment. Once the shirt had been dispensed to the far corner of the room, Luke started working on Reid’s pants, quickly working them open and commanding Reid to take them off…now.

Reid obeyed…how could he do anything but…and, at Luke’s nod to his underwear, he pulled that off as well. When he straightened to stand in front of Luke, it was as if all of the air had been sucked out of the room. He’d dreamt about this moment for so fucking long, and, yet, nothing he had imagined could even come close to the very real deal of being naked with Luke Snyder. He felt like his skin was tingling and his…fuck, what IS that even…his…SOMETHING inside…was humming. If he wasn’t so incredibly turned on, he would have felt ridiculous, just standing there, staring and feeling.

Luke broke the spell first by reaching out and grabbing Reid’s wrists to pull him over to the bed, sitting down when the back of his knees hit the mattress and guiding Reid to stand in front of him. Then he gripped Reid’s hips and drew him forward so that Reid could feel Luke’s hot breath fluttering over his cock. Reid looked down and ran his hands through Luke’s soft hair, tugging it slightly to pull Luke’s head back so that he could bend down and lick those full lips.

“Luke. You have no idea, do you? So fucking hot.”

Luke responded by pulling his head back down and jerking Reid back toward him, his mouth making contact with Reid’s leaking head in a light suckle. Reid felt every drop of blood pool in his groin and a familiar tightness climbing up his thighs and down his abs. He grabbed Luke’s face and pulled himself back from that sweet mouth.

“Shit. Luke. You have to stop. I’ve been dreaming about coming down your throat since I first saw you open your mouth. Shhh…don’t give me that look, I’ve never pretended to be a monk. But, I really don’t want the first time I come inside of you to be in your mouth, if you catch my drift.”

Luke licked his lips…holy fuck, stop that…and giving him that slightly loony grin that told Reid that Luke knew just how much he affected him, he slid himself backward up the bed until his head and shoulders were propped up on the mound of pillows. Reid’s detail-oriented brain took note of the décor change since his last disastrous experience in this room. Gone was the bedding that looked like it had been purchased for Luke’s fifteenth birthday; the new rich mahogany colored set was lush and decadent and Luke looked positively sinful laying across it. Hesitantly glancing over to the nightstand, Reid felt a palpable relief in his core that a certain photograph no longer stared back at him. He’d never assume anything when it came to Luke Snyder, so it was not out of the realm of possibility that Luke would have kept it there for old time’s sake.

Shaking his head of that dangerous thought process, Reid turned his eyes back to Luke and his open invitation for Reid to get his mouth and hands all over that incredible body, and with something that sounded embarrassingly like a growl, he crawled up onto the bed and trailed a path with his mouth and tongue from Luke’s toes all the way up until they were face to face. He leaned down to rub his cheek against Luke’s, taking a minute to enjoy the friction of their stubble and slowly traced one hand down Luke’s torso and then lower until Luke bucked his hips up to meet Reid’s hand. Sliding his palm across the glistening head, Reid used the lubrication to grip Luke firmly in his hand and pump a few times before reaching further down to cup Luke’s balls while one still wet finger eased down to Luke’s warm entrance. Sensing Luke’s trepidation, Reid slid his body down to take Luke in his mouth once more, swirling his tongue up the shaft and around the head with every movement. His finger felt Luke relax and he slowly breached the tight hole, pulling his finger slowly in and out until he felt the muscles loosen enough that he could carefully push his finger in knuckle deep. Luke’s moans served as encouragement, so he started moving his finger in small circles along the edges of Luke’s channel. With Luke now writhing beneath him, he released Luke’s cock, pulled his finger out of Luke and brought it and 2 more fingers up and into this mouth, coating them with saliva. After returning Luke’s cock to his mouth he rubbed Luke’s hole once again before plunging his first finger back into the soft heat. Once he was sure that Luke was ready, he gingerly pushed a second finger in, using the two fingers to massage along the outer muscles, relaxing them enough that Luke began begging for Reid to add another. Reid obliged and was rewarded by what could only be described as a scream from Luke. Luke’s a screamer…sexy…and good to know. Knowing that his current angle must be hitting Luke’s prostate, Reid continued plunging his fingers in and out, turning them back and forth until he felt a strong hand grip his hair, stilling his movement.

“Reid. Now. Please…gonna come. Need you in me.”

Reid pulled off of Luke’s cock and gently withdrew his fingers. As he lifted himself up to sit back on his knees, Luke ran one leg up Reid’s side before moving to turn over onto his stomach and pushing a pillow under his hips so that his ass was raised up like some kind of heavenly presentation. Tonight had been a night of “firsts” and this was the first time Reid had the pleasure of seeing Luke’s pert, round ass and it was being offered to him in a way that he hadn’t even dared to imagine. This might be the shortest fuck in the history of fucks if his pulsing was any indication.

Needing to give himself a minute to calm down, he bent forward and ran his tongue in circles over each ass cheek, willing his cock not to pre-empt what was likely to be the best moment of his life. While he worshipped each globe, he felt the mattress shift as Luke reached up into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a tube and a foil packet. Reid raised his eyes and watched as Luke took the packet between his teeth and ripped it open before sliding it and the lube down the bed toward Reid. Spurred on by Luke’s eagerness, Reid swallowed thickly and grabbed the condom, pulled it out of the foil and rolled it over his cock. Then he picked up the lube and squeezed a liberal amount onto his fingers before coating his erection. He used the remainder to slick over Luke’s hole and then used his hands to spread Luke’s ass so he could ease his way forward until the head of his cock was teasing Luke’s entrance.

Luke almost imperceptibly wiggled his ass in anticipation of what was coming and Reid slowly began pushing into him. Once the head of his cock was enveloped, he paused to allow Luke’s muscles to relax around him, listening carefully to the sound of Luke‘s breath. He wanted…no, he needed…for this to be the best sex of Luke’s life and he wasn’t taking any chances that the pain would overshadow the pleasure. When he felt Luke slowly move backwards to take more of him in, Reid began to move, pushing further inside of Luke before pulling back out and repeating the motion. With each slow thrust, Reid sank further into Luke until he was finally buried inside of him.

Once he was fully sheathed inside of Luke, Reid briefly worried that spontaneous combustion was a definite possibly as his entire body seemed to go up in flames from the inside. He felt like one of those born-again virgins you see on tv, the ones who claim that, despite their past behavior, they will consider their first time with the man or woman they marry to truly be their first time. Nothing he’d ever done…and no one he’d ever done had felt like this. He’d been despairing over never having this opportunity for so fucking long, that now that the moment had arrived, it was as if he’d shed the shell of who he used to be and there was this newly formed, dewy, terrified, exhilarated jumble of mess in its place. He needed to get a hold of himself. Luke was languidly circling his hips, clearly waiting for Reid to start moving again.

Reid tentatively pumped himself in and out a few times to be sure that he could maintain some level of control, and finding that he had managed to ward off his orgasm, at least for a little while, he started thrusting in earnest. It only took a couple of thrusts before he and Luke developed a rhythm and they began moving fluidly together, Reid stroking his hands over Luke’s ass and lower back. And, yes, Luke really was a vocal lover, letting Reid know how much he was enjoying himself with moans and gasps that Reid matched with his own.

It wasn’t long before Reid saw Luke’s arm move down and his hand disappear underneath this body. Wanting to be the one who made Luke come undone in every way, Reid sat back a bit, grasped Luke’s upper arms and pulled him up so that Luke was partially seated in Reid’s lap, his back flush with Reid‘s chest. Reid then brought a hand up to his mouth and licked it, coating it with saliva, before he slipped both of his own arms under Luke’s and reached the slicked hand down to grip Luke’s cock, while the other hand smoothed over Luke’s chest.

As Reid laid hot, wet kisses across Luke’s upper back and shoulders, Luke started to lift his body and bring it back down, riding Reid, controlling the movement. Reid pumped Luke’s cock in tandem with one hand while he teased at Luke’s nipples with the other. When Luke’s pants started coming harder and his body started to tense, Reid realized that if he didn’t act quickly he was going to miss the best part of the night.

“Luke, I want to see your face when I make you come.”

Nodding his head, Luke pulled himself up and off of Reid’s cock and turned around to lay down on his back, keeping his feet flat on the bed, his knees in the air. Reid ran his eyes over Luke’s flushed body, laying there, waiting for him and he had to bite back something that felt suspiciously like a sob. He climbed over Luke and eased himself between his legs, lifting Luke’s hips and pulling him slightly toward him so that Luke’s hole was lined up with Reid’s cock. As he pushed back in to the soft heat, he could feel Luke’s muscles almost pulling him in.

After a few thrusts, Luke lifted his knees back, taking his feet off of the bed, taking Reid in even deeper, and reached up to pull Reid’s body down so that he could draw him into a long, wet kiss before pulling back and looking up into Reid’s eyes, his own hooded with lust and his shiny lips parted in ecstasy.

“Oh God…so good…so fucking good, Reid. I need to come, so so much. Please…”

Reid slid a hand down Luke’s body and took his cock in hand once more, using the pool of liquid at the tip to lubricate the shaft. Then he moved his head down to capture Luke’s lips again in a playful nibble.

“Come for me, Luke.”

At Luke’s loud moan, Reid began stroking Luke’s cock in fast pulls, urging his orgasm out of him while he thrust his own cock in and out of Luke’s ass, feeling his own release building in his belly and moving down to his groin. As Luke’s hot, white semen erupted from him in long, thick streams, Reid could feel the grip on his cock tighten as Luke’s muscles spasmed around him.


Reid exploded with a loud groan, sliding in and out of Luke as he rode out his orgasm. When his cock had finally ceased pulsating, Reid reached down and gripped himself at the edges of the condom and carefully pulled out of Luke. At Luke’s answering hiss, he looked down to see that Luke’s legs were still quivering with the aftershock, so he quickly slipped a finger back inside of Luke’s ass and was rewarded with a satisfied sigh.

Making sure not to toggle his finger in Luke’s sensitive ass, Reid eased himself down and laid on his side, facing Luke and peppering his shoulder with light kisses. When he stopped to look up at Luke’s face, he felt a jolt in his solar plexus at the blissed out smile that greeted him.

“Hey, Dr. Oliver.”

Reid couldn’t help the answering grin.

“Hey yourself, Mr. Snyder.”

Luke mumbled something unintelligible and yawned, making Reid chuckle as he slowly pulled his finger out of Luke’s ass. The condom was dangerously close to slipping off and making a mess, so he needed to get it off and tie it up.

“Mr. Snyder, you do realize that you’re still covered in your own jizz, right? Don’t tell me you can fall asleep like that.”

Snorting, Luke reached over into his nightstand once again and pulled out a box of tissues and started cleaning himself off, throwing the last one at Reid’s head just as Reid finished tossing the condom into the trash can by Luke’s desk.

“There, Reid, happy?”

Reid reached up and ran his finger over the cleft in Luke’s chin and smiled. God, this guy was incredibly gorgeous, especially when he was laying in bed, completely satiated. He wished he could spend the rest of his life right here, naked and well-fucked with Luke…but duty called and Mrs. Rabinowitz deserved steady hands when he opened up her skull in the morning.

“Such a fucking Boy Scout, I should have known you’d be prepared. Listen, I was serious about that 8 am surgery tomorrow. As much as I’d like a repeat performance, I really should try to get home and get some sleep. “

Luke shifted out from under Reid’s touch and sat up on the bed.

“Oh, of course, yeah, you really should be going anyway. I don’t know how long we’d have the house to ourselves.”

Reid slid out of the bed to search for his clothes and tried to put himself back together as best he could. When he’d finished buttoning his shirt, he looked over to see Luke sitting on the edge of the bed, with his back to him, pulling his own pants back on. He’d learned to read some of Luke’s body language and certain “tells” were indicating that something was bothering him. He walked over and climbed across the bed to wrap his arms around Luke from behind.

“That was fantastic, Luke, you fucking blew my mind. If I didn’t have this surgery tomorrow morning, I’d drag your ass out of here and take you back to my place for the rest of the night.”

Luke reached up and rubbed Reid’s forearms before standing up and crossing the room toward the door. When he looked back at Reid, his trademark smile was in place, but Reid could see that it didn’t quite spread to his eyes.

“Yeah, I understand. Let me walk you down. Honestly, I have a ton of foundation paperwork to catch up on tomorrow, so a good night’s sleep will do me some good as well.”

Reid crossed the room, turned Luke around, and gently pushed him up against the door, his hands on Luke’s chest. He leaned in and ran his nose along Luke’s cheek, until those noses brushed and he could move his lips to Luke’s. Reid teased Luke’s lips open with his tongue before covering his mouth with his own. He loved the way Luke responded to him, almost as if he couldn’t not if he tried. Despite all of the stops and starts, this was one thing that Reid knew they excelled at, and that night had only served to confirm that they were physically, at least, a perfect match. Emotionally, though, he could feel Luke pulling back and he had no desire to climb aboard that rollercoaster again.

Stepping back, he searched Luke’s face for some indication as to what was vexing that complicated mind of his, but decided that maybe Luke just needed some space. Reid couldn’t fault him for that, as, he too, was feeling a bit overwhelmed and out of his depth. Reid had never been one to force someone to talk, God forbid, so he leaned in to give Luke one last chaste kiss and motioned for him to lead the way downstairs.

Part Two

!author|artist: vintagelamb, atwt, rating: nc-17, luke/reid

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