10 Random Facts About Luke Snyder

Nov 22, 2011 13:30

Title: 10 Random Facts about Luke Snyder
Author: vintagelamb
Rating: R to M(ish)
Disclaimer: I would think this ship has sailed since it's been over a year?
Author's Notes: Thought I'd give it a try.  I've been trying to avoid the plot bunny that's been scratching at my brain because I don't feel like getting involved in writing another fic...so this was a perfect diversion.

1.  Luke Snyder hates feet.  They're cold and clammy...and the toenails...and the hairs on the big toes...and...yuck.  Unfortunately, just as they're falling asleep, his boyfriend loves to rub their feet together under the covers, and Luke just doesn't have the heart to tell him that it sends chills down his spine...and not in a good way.  But, he supposes it's a small price to pay for usually having the rest of Reid's body rubbing on him only moments before.

2.  Once, while Luke was still with Noah, he went to a cosmetic dentist to talk about getting his front teeth capped.  Noah had made a comment about Luke's "tiny little baby teeth" and, like many things Noah said when he was "just kidding", it made Luke feel self-conscious and unattractive.  He recently mentioned it to Reid, and while Reid told him that he'd never noticed that Luke's teeth were small, it was probably a blessing, since Luke loved to suck cock so much and Reid liked having his cock sucked even more...this way neither of them had to worry about any "pesky, snaggly, chompers getting in the way".

3.  He knows it's ostentatious, but Luke has wanted a 1969 Aston Martin DBS since his James Bond phase in high school.  The most perfect specimen Luke has ever seen is for sale in Bay City for $140k.  Luke's trying to figure out a way to sneakily convince Reid that he's the one who wants it so he can buy it for Reid's birthday next month.

4.  Luke introduced Reid to his Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVD collection a few weeks ago, and while he nods his head and verbally agrees that Angel is "fucking sex on a stick" and he and Buffy belong together, he silently prays that Reid will understand when Luke gets a hard-on for Spike in the next season.

5.  Luke secretly wishes that his father had married Molly.  He can already see that his parents are heading down the same road as before.  They're both too fickle to have a happily ever after together...but they're good people who could probably each find that with someone else.

6.  Luke's been planning the details of his wedding to Reid...only Reid doesn't know it.  (In fact, Reid has no idea that they're getting married at all...yet.)  It will, of course, be at Snyder Pond because where else would anyone in their right mind want to get married?  And, dressed in crisp white shirts and linen pants, they'll walk down the makeshift aisle together to When My Boy Walks Down the Street (before they started the Buffy marathon, Luke hooked Reid on Queer as Folk and Reid teased him with that song at every opportunity for the next few weeks, often changing the words to something NC-17...he has a real knack for that...but Luke still thinks it's the perfect song for them).

7.  Once, when Luke was about 6, he had a pet caterpillar.  He'd found it on one of the Sycamores on the farm and he'd fallen in love as soon as the fuzzy little creature had inched its way onto his finger.  For 2 days, he and Puffy (6 year olds are usually not very creative with the names) did everything together, until Luke decided that Puffy might like to take a ride on his Big Wheel.  But, the thrill of speed and the wind in his hair made Luke careless, and, as he rounded a corner, Puffy fell off his arm and was run over by the fat back tire.  Twenty years later, Luke still gets a knot in his stomach thinking about it.*

8.  Luke Snyder finds Alison Stewart absolutely insufferable.  He's tried, he really has, but he just can't make himself like her.  He knows Casey loves her and he makes every effort to put on a good show when they're together, but he spends most of the time in total discomfort, fantasizing about ways to make her shut her trap.  He told Reid about his predicament and, while Reid agrees wholeheartedly about Alison, he's trying to recondition him by discreetly rubbing Luke's cock at various intervals whenever they all have to spend time together.  It's not working, but Luke's not about to tell Reid that, of course, since he loves having his cock rubbed...especially when there's the thrill of getting caught.

9.  Luke has always been convinced that he wouldn't live to see his 30th birthday.  He's known all along that his kidney isn't likely to last forever, and he figures that he's already had his miracle, as ill-gotten as it was.

10.  Luke has never wanted children, despite what his sweet nature would indicate.  He's loved his younger siblings to distraction, but he's always been glad that the responsibility for their happiness doesn't rest on his shoulders.  However, seeing Reid with Jacob?  Let's just say that Reid is lucky he doesn't have a uterus, or Luke would fuck him mercilessly until the stick turned blue.

*based on a true story

!author|artist: vintagelamb, fan fiction, atwt, luke/reid

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