Oliver's Army

Oct 19, 2011 21:07


The following morning, Luke found himself once again heading for Dr. Oliver’s office. They had a standing appointment to meet at 9 am everyday so that Luke could continue to learn what’s necessary to running a successful neuro wing, from equipment to staffing to patient accommodations.

He couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his stomach at seeing the doctor again. So much had happened in the last 24 hours and he wondered how the dynamics of their brief relationship will have been changed by it. He felt a familiarity with the doctor that he hadn’t expected, but he was unsure if the doctor felt the same, or if he would act as if nothing had changed.

Luke hesitated for a moment before knocking on the office door. He took a few deep breaths, hoping to calm his nerves. Once he felt ready, he raised his hand and gave a quick one-two knock.

He heard a faint, “Enter”, and walked into the office. Dr. Oliver was sitting at his desk, looking through a medical chart, his right hand carding through is hair. What color was the doctor’s hair exactly? He could see the obvious golden brown, a shade lighter in the fluorescent lights out in the main hospital than it was in the glow from the office lamp on the doctor’s desk, but there was a hint of red…no auburn…no strawberry. Really, when you looked carefully, it was as if every strand was a different shade; the doctor’s hair shimmered really. Good Lord, what was the matter with him?

“Mr. Snyder, it’s rude to stare…even at genius.”

Luke was startled out of his musing and, knowing that he was blushing furiously, he quickly attempted to play it off. “Oh…no…I was just…um…thinking about the…um…”

The doctor rolled his eyes and stood up from his desk. “Look, Mr. Snyder, I’m a busy man, as I’m sure you can see, so let’s just cut the bull…you ask whatever it is you feel you need to ask, I’ll tell you that it’s none of your business, and then can we get on with yet another exciting installment of ‘Dr. Reid Oliver: Genius at Work‘.”

Luke tried to stifle his laughter, but failed miserably. The last thing the doctor needed was for his ego to be stroked, but he really did have a talent for the one-liners.

“Okay, Doctor, now that you’ve mentioned it, I have to admit that I’m very curious about what’s going on between you and Major Singleton. I’m assuming that the secrecy is about the fact that he’s military? Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? That policy has been repealed, you know.”

Dr. Oliver reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose. “My God, you’re appallingly naïve. Currently, Mr. Snyder, DADT is very much in effect. It doesn’t officially end until September 20th, and until then, gay and lesbian service men and women are still forced to hide their sexuality.

Look, Scott and I have known each other since I was in med school. No one in his life knows that he’s gay and I respect his wishes to that end. His family has a long tradition of army service and the military is his life. I would never do anything to take that away from him. No one understands better than I do how important it is to be able to do what you love, what you‘re made for.”

Luke couldn’t help but to chuckle incredulously. While Luke understood the military man’s hesitancy, on some level it offended him that Dr. Oliver was so willing to go a long with it, to be party to that kind of backwards thinking.

“I have to say, Dr. Oliver, you hardly seem like the type who would be willing to hide in the proverbial closet…even for the finest piece of ass. Don’t you think that putting yourself into a position of hiding your sexuality does all of us more harm than good?”

The doctor snickered. “’All of US‘, Mr. Snyder? So my gaydar does not fail me?

And, no, I don’t see how I’m negatively affecting the greater good here. I am openly gay. My staff knows it, my family is uncomfortably aware of it and, while you will not find a rainbow sticker on my car, that is only because I don’t like to advertise my personal life in any way to all and sundry. The only thing that I’ve kept close to the vest is my relationship with Scott. Frankly, my private life is no one’s business, so I fail to see why it offends your delicate sensibilities.”

Luke knew that it was none of his business, but he had to ask. “Are you and Major Singleton, err Scott, in…do you love him, Dr. Oliver?”

The doctor scoffed. “That is none of your business. Look, what Scott and I have works for us, end of story.”

Luke opened his mouth and then closed it again, flopping onto the streamlined sofa in the doctor’s office. “What is it you feel you need to say? Come on…out with it already. We both know that your every thought must be voiced.”

While he searched for the right words, Luke watched as Dr. Oliver took a seat at the other end of the sofa. “Dr. Oliver…would you mind if I called you Reid? It feels kind of strange to have this conversation when I’m addressing you so formally?”

Reid nodded and motioned with his hand for Luke to continue. “I’m sorry, I just can’t understand how you can sell yourself so short. Look at you. You’re this good-looking, successful neurosurgeon…neurosugeon, for crap’s sake…and you’re willing to be someone’s dirty little secret? That just does not compute for me. God, aren‘t you sick of it? If not, you certainly should be.”

The doctor looked at Luke with disgust. “I’m hardly surprised that putting someone else’s needs before your own ‘does not compute’ for you, Mr. Snyder. But I live in the real world, where a snap of my fingers doesn’t produce my every desire and where people have to worry about things like their livelihood. Not only could Scott’s career be potentially destroyed if our association were to be discovered before September 20th, but my own could be negatively affected as well. I work in a military hospital and I’m having an affair with an high-ranking officer who is held in exceedingly high regard…if he were to be dishonorably discharged because of this, the resulting fall-out could derail my current employment. No one likes a scandal, Mr. Snyder.”

Believe me, I never had any intention of becoming involved with anyone at all, but Scott and I just ‘happened’ and we‘ve been able to sustain something that brings us both a certain amount of…ahem…pleasure.”

Luke jumped off of the sofa to pace the floor of the office. “So, you’re telling me that hiding your relationship and having clandestine meetings with the man you love is enough for you? That seems pretty cold, Reid.”

Reid blinked hard once…then twice.

“Who said anything about love, Mr. Snyder? Scott and I have a mutually satisfying relationship and, while I expect that once he is able to be open about who he is and what he and I are to each other, we’ll have to make some adjustments, I think things will only get better.

In any case, I have no problem with waiting until that time comes. It‘s called loyalty, Mr. Snyder. Ever heard of it?

Now, if you don‘t mind, I‘m going to go ahead and remind you that this is really none of your business. This conversation is finished.”

The doctor swept past Luke and opened his office door. Luke stood frozen, unsure of what was happening. Was he being kicked out of the office?

“Mr. Snyder, are you coming or not? I have patients to see.”

June 23, 2011

God, it was another frustrating, yet enlightening day with Reid (that’s right, it’s Reid now…I asked and he allowed it…there’s some exciting progress, right?).

I think I understand things a little bit better after we talked about his “situation” with Major Scott Singleton. Yup, the other guy’s a high-ranking army officer…and he’s so far in the closet, he has a monogrammed wooden hanger. Reid seems to think that all will be well once DADT ends in September, but, frankly, I’m skeptical.

I mean, c’mon, the guy’s not even “out” to his own family, and you’re telling me all that is going to change on some magical day when he’ll shake off the chains that bind and declare his man-love for all to hear? I call bullshit on that one, but we shall see, I guess. Although I suppose I won’t be around to see it either way, right?

Not that I really care one way or another. It‘s really none of my business.

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