The Light That I'd Bless Chapter 37

May 29, 2011 10:10

Chapter 37

Dr. Channing….um…this is a…surprise…?

Please…come in.

Luke fought the urge to cover his chest with his hands. So much for upping his game.

Mr. Snyder…may I call you Luke?

I think we have a few things to discuss.

Greg Channing brushed past Luke and entered the living room.

Oookay. I can’t imagine what you and I would have to talk about that couldn’t wait until we saw each other at the hospital, but let me go up and throw some clothes on…as you can see, I’m hardly dressed for conversation.

Greg ran a perusing eye up and down Luke, making him feel extremely exposed.

Yes, I did notice that you were a little…underdressed? Expecting your boyfriend, Luke?

Sorry to disappoint.

Luke snortled…he had no intention of letting Dr. Channing bait him, certainly not about Reid.

Have a seat, please. I'll be back in a minute.

Luke ran up the stairs to grab a pair of jeans and a polo shirt.

When he returned to the living room, he noticed that Dr. Channing had opted to continue standing, which did not bode well for the future of this chat.

Can I get you something to drink, Dr. Channing?

I have water, ginger ale…lemonade?

Channing shook his head.

Listen, Luke, let’s just cut to the chase here, shall we?

I think we both know why I’m here, so let’s just get on with it.

Luke tried not to look surprised by the doctor’s hostility. He’d assumed that this was about Reid, but he hadn’t expected to be on the receiving end of this kind of rancor.

As he opened his mouth to respond, Dr. Channing cut him off.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that Reid and I are very close. He and I make a good…no, make that a great team, and I don’t plan on letting whatever this game your playing is get in the way of that.

You’re clearly very young and I suppose you have your…charms…but you really need to grow the fuck up and stop dicking around with Reid.

He’s an amazing, mature, accomplished man…totally out of your league, and, frankly, you can’t even begin to imagine what it takes to keep a man like that happy.

Nor, do you care about his happiness, it would seem. You‘re only interested in what you need…what feels good for you.

Luke blinked furiously and took a few deep breaths, before replying. He'd never, in his life, wanted so badly to knock someone on their ass.

I want you to listen very carefully to what I'm about to say to you, Dr. Channing.

You know absolutely nothing about me, and you know even less about Reid and me. You couldn’t even begin to comprehend what he and I have. We are...

You know what...fuck this. I don’t owe you shit here. Get the hell out of my house.

The doctor laughed and got up from the sofa, walked over to the door and turned around to face Luke.

Don’t you mean your mommy’s house?

Look, here’s the deal. I’m in love with Reid...I always have been...and I’m willing to do anything to make his life easier.

You, on the other hand, continue to hurt him time and again. You dangle yourself in front of him, making him want you…and then, what do you do, Luke? Do you let Reid touch you and then crawl back into bed with your boyfriend? Do you wash the taste of Reid out of your mouth before you roll over for your kiss goodnight?

While Luke attempted to process what Greg Channing was saying, the doctor continued his tirade.

Do you have any idea how that makes Reid feel? To be second best? To be that guy?

He has the opportunity to take his life back and you need to back the fuck off and let him move on.

As Channing turned the knob of the door, Luke finally caught up with what had just been said. Luke moved quickly across the floor and grabbed Greg by the elbow, spinning him around to face him.

What the hell are you talking about? What boyfriend?

Where did you get the idea that I have a boyfriend?

The doctor paused, confusion clouding his face.

It is my understanding, Luke, that you’ve been back together with your old boyfriend for quite some time. Are you telling me that you’re not?

Luke shook his head, searching for some reason for this confusion.

Are you talking about Noah…my ex?

No, I’m not back together with him! I’m not with anyone. What made you think I was?

Channing shook his head, trying to figure out what his next move should be. There was so much at stake here.

I’m not sure. If that is not the case, I apologize for my accusations on that front. However, I stand by my opinion that I am simply better suited for Reid than you are.

He and I can make a great life together…two men who “get“ each other, who understand what it‘s like to hold life and death in their hands everyday.

You can‘t give him that, Luke. You know you can‘t. Why do you think he keeps pulling away from you?

He has feelings for you, Luke, I won‘t deny that, but he knows that you two just don‘t work. Let him go…if you really care about him, just let him go.

Channing pulled his arm from Luke’s grasp and walked out the door, leaving Luke standing in stunned silence, his brain processing just one thought.

As if.

fan fiction, livejournal, atwt, luke/reid

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