May 09, 2009 23:30
I don't really document my life anymore. Its overload of information that I have a sneaking suspicion won't stand the test of time anyway. Once the robots rebel, all the precious journals will take go the way of Rome and libraries and such.
the above is something that lj saved from... god knows when I was last here. I figure, life moves too fast for me to not try and savor some memories. Some of them are good anyway...
what time is it
what time is it
it's 530 here and it's 230 and I won't be home tonight
I'm listening to that song, it's been years since i heard it
tonight I saw Madison Mischief perform along with Adam and Alan go to space.. I enjoyed them both a lot. Mom's day, I made dinner for my mom and future mother in law. Saw Star Trek (fantastic).