pissed off =(

Feb 09, 2006 11:00

ugh k so im in a really crappy mood today because last night i was really happy cuz i was on the phone with keith last night and my uncle comes up stairs and yells at me telling me that i cant be on the phone n stuff so then i ignore him n then im still on the phone n he picks up and like makes me get off.. so then i wait for him to go back to sleep n i call keith again... n then he like flips out.. n i go down stairs n im like um ive been using the phone @ this time since i was freshman actually prolly when i was in 8th grade.. n hes like personally i dont have a problem with it but u do u wanna have someone explain to why u cant be on the phone n im like i dont care.. n like before he was like why did u lie? n im like i never lied... n hes like u said u would get off the phone n u went back on.. n im like it really shouldnt matter who im on the phone with.. k fucking bitches i am a nocturnal person alright and i am very outgoing and even if it isnt a guy who i am talking to on the phone with at night time its someone one of my girlfriends or someone or possibly even my aunt cuz i call her late too.. so the frikken shit with trying to change my frikken ways isnt gunna work.. n he woke up the whole house yelling his ass off... well its not my fault that u frikken married an asshole n u are out of ur house and watch frikken movies every day with people killing each other n stuff.. n im sick of the whole irish strictness.. im not all irish and i am alot more understanding to things and alot more open. i hate that everyone in my family is so very judgemental and rude about everything.. i wish there was a way to change things.. so i dunno.. but im gunna do something i never thought i would im gunna move to my moms =(
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