Bre's Sweet Sixteen

Jul 23, 2007 03:06

Things have been…ok.
Yesterday was bre’s sweet 16. Happy Birthday Bre! ♥  Yeah, it was at Pueblo Hall over there by ingram. I went to the mall to get a dress but ended up just getting this really cute shoes at charlotte rouse.
I came home at like 8; Me and Valerie were supposed to get there kinda early, but I got ready too late.
We ended up getting there at like 8:45 or so, we missed the dance and I don’t know, whatever.

The dance part was fun for the most part. I was getting krunk, if you know what me mean. Ahaha, nah but it was pretty cool.
Sam came later on, and so did Benjamin.

At 11 we all went to Bre’s for the after party. Everyone was all excited because they thought bre was gonna have alcohol. This one chick had like 3 friends over 21 that were willing to buy some for us because everyone was gonna pitch in, but it was already too late so we just ended up chilling there in the living room.

Nah but sam, Ashley and me just stayed up talking for like ever then Ashley left to talk to someone one the phone so me and sam just hung out with Jordan, little Lauren, maddie, and bre. Ahaha it was really effin funny like no joke they’re fuckin’ hilarious. I ended up just staying the night there cause me and sam just fuckin’ crashed out at like 5 or 6.

Everyone woke up and ate so of that bangin’ cake ahaha and yah I don’t know. We started watching Thirteen and me and sam left cuz he had work.

Came home
Fucking crashed again.
Slept all damn day.

Woke up, val came over
And I watched old episodes of are you afraid of the dark
Chyeaaa boii.
gangsta gangsta at the top of the list.

bre, sweet sixteen, krunk

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