My weekend?

Oct 22, 2006 21:01


I’ve had a luscious weekend. I dunno if that’s a real great way to explain a week end but whatever, it was pretty cool.

Yeah, so anyways, I had a nice time surprisingly.
It’s more of like the little simple delights you get when being around people you really love, you know?

So Friday was pretty cool. I mean, a lot of random stuff happened after school…
You see, when I get out of school which is like 4:05 I laze around the school for about a good 5-10 minutes and say bye to everyone and just be lame and stuff and then it’s time to go on the bus all my other friends are already there.
So basically I get there right before the bus is about to take off because our bus is in the first round and it’s like the first bus to leave.
Well Friday, I get there and I’m walking through the bus lane looking for the bus, and for the first time in like forever that my bus wasn’t in the first round, or the second, or third or fourth. It was me , my friend Aleks and like 4 other freshman and they were all ike having heart-attacks and stuff. They were being retarded and saying they were gonna break into taft and eat a dog or something, I don’t remember.

So, yeah pointless story.

So yeah, it came like an hour later, I got home and went to the mall.
Hung out mostly with Sabrina in the beginning of the day. Valerie, Her boyfriend Adam, Sam, Abe and Me were just chillin out in the mall so that was pretty boss.
9 rolls around pretty quickly and Valerie wanted to go the MOVIES.

I wasn’t gonna go because I thought Sabrina was gonna spend the night but she ended up not and Her, Sam and Anthony went home with my mom and I went to the movies.

I felt really bad, but I didn’t wanna make my mom take home all those people at once.
She’d have to take home Josh, who lives like a 10 miles out of the way, Sam & Tony which is another extra 10 miles and then Sabrina which from Tonys house is like 4-5 miles. Plus I’d be really cramped.

So Blah D:

We went to the movies, Saw Man of the Year.
I thought it was a good movie, I enjoyed it. I thought it was pretty funny, but it just seemed like it would be one of those movies you wouldn’t go to the theater to watch, just like something you would wait for to be on HBO… Yeah.
After the movie we took Pk home and Valerie came over
I played Animal Crossing until I fell asleep and that was my Friday.
Saturday was especially fun, in my opinion.
Valerie basically explained the first part pretty well, so I’ll just quote what she said “Joey was at Diversions. He met us up at Sonic. He was talking about his recent show and he jumped into the bit and got bite marks on his man boobs.
Wow. Hahahah.
I really should go see his band sometime.
Defecated Youth.”

And then we went to O CABANA with Tracy and he sister Joey Sabrina and Valerie.
Had fun with tortillas and just hung out eating sunflower seeds in fron of diverions and we had a dance party.
The end! I came home, and talked to Valeries boyfriend for a while. He’s really cool.
Played Animal Crossing and went to sleep.

Sunday sucked, I missed La Naval.
…went to Sabrinas.
Came home
The end.

The weather today was absolutely gorgeous.

My weekend was cool.
Next week should be nice seeing as sam’s gonna be here
Pffft, I have to “share” him with Anthony.

I miss him
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