Hear the sound... the sound of the nations..

Aug 25, 2003 17:59

I am going home this weekend. And I am so excited because I'm simply homesick. Whole-hearteduly homesick! So I can't wait to go home and see my mommy.. and my brother (my Dad's going to be out of town *pout*). See all of my close friends that I've missed so much. I have a lot of plans for this weekend... not in any real order of importance.

-shoot Angela's bridal portraits
-have Tawny stay the night
-go to BCC sunday morning
-go to U-Church sunday night
-drive my brother's new car
-hook up with a friend
-spend some quality time with my mommy
-get new contacts
-buy a rug
-stock up on some cards for my room
-drive home with the music blaring
-sleep in my old bed
-spend the night at Kristen's sunday night
-hopefully see Justin's band
-bring some stuff back for the dorm

=) I'm so excited it's not even funny! It's a three day weekend too, thank God for labor day, so I won't be coming back until mid Monday.

So I'm not going to the Vine on Sunday night. For a plethora of reasons. I need to be fed big time this weekend, so I'm planning on going to U-Church and hope God speaks to me. Pleas pray that He does, I really need it right now. Although, this morning, I woke up to six cards from people at BCC wishing me luck with college. It was a real picker upper. But I am hoping to spend less time on here. Wasting too much time on here lately!

I have a full day of classes tomorrow.. four back to back. So wow. That'll be fun. Need to get to bed semi-early.. also this note..


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