Title: Burn the Length and Breadth of Sky
Fandom: None/Original Poetry
Rating: G
Summary: Free verse. Heroes and legends never die.
AN: Inspired by Freddie Mercury and the video for the Queen song No One But You.
Word Count: 152
Burn the Length and Breadth of Sky
How can we know that Icarus is dead?
Perhaps he is just lost to our eyes, our sight
Limited as it is by these walls of Crete
Mortality boxed us in while he took flight.
How can we know that Icarus is dead?
A mean axiom meant to bolster those of fear
While we of brave intent look skyward,
Know that Icarus has flown away
We know because we have seen
Icarus transformed, caduceus in hand,
As he burned the length and breadth of sky.
We know because we have heard
The bringer of dreams, bringing among us
Visions and songs, thief at the gates of Crete.
We know because we have heard
That he watches by night, a messenger
Of the gods.
If you tell me you saw him drowned in the sea,
I will tell you I saw him born by the fire,
Phoenix into flame
Burning the whole of the Earth.
How can we know that Icarus is dead?
How can we think that he is, when we know
He is not?