The Advantage of Animal Nature [Harry Potter]

Aug 06, 2009 00:05

Title: The Advantage of Animal Nature
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Remus doesn't see the attraction of becoming an animagus, but he sure sees the attraction of being in one. Set in an AU where Remus and Sirius are raising Harry.
Characters: Remus/Sirius, Harry
Rating/Warnings: NC-17; animagus bestiality, rape play, role play sex
AN: For hh_writersblock Challenge #27: Animagi
Word Count: 1401

The Advantage of Animal Nature

Harry scrunched his nose in concentration.

"You need to relax more," Sirius said, rubbing his chin and scratching at stubble.

"You said I needed to concentrate."

"Concentrate and relax."

"That doesn't make sense," Harry muttered to himself.

Remus entered the kitchen just then. "How are the lessons going?"

"Really great," Sirius answered.

"Rotten," Harry growled.

Remus got a beer and sat down at the table with them. "It's very difficult to learn, Harry. You mustn't feel discouraged if you have trouble. That's only natural."

"Yeah, thanks." There was no gratitude in Harry's voice, only impatience.

"Kids," Sirius smiled.

"You're younger even than your godfather was when he mastered the animagus transformation," Remus leaned towards Harry. "It would be dangerous to rush--"

"He told me to concentrate and relax. That isn't even possible."

"Hmm. Maybe. Can you clear your mind, Harry?"

Harry shook his head. "How can I clear my mind and concentrate at the same time?"

Remus blew out a dense breath.

"Can I go play with Andrew now?" Harry asked. At the age of ten, not yet even ready for Hogwarts, keeping Harry still for even a couple hours was a challenge.

"Sure," Sirius nodded, exchanging a glance with Remus. Harry was up and bolting from the chair within a second.

"You know," Remus said, pushing his beer towards Sirius and letting his other half take a swig, "Perhaps he's too young to learn."

Sirius shrugged. "Can you ever really be too young to start learning something?"

"Some people never master the animagus transformation," Remus reminded him.

"You know, some people at this table never have," Sirius teased.

Remus laughed and shook his head. "I won't, either. What if my form happened to be--"

"I've never heard of that," Sirius shook his head.

"I've never heard of a werewolf becoming an animagus, and frankly I don't see the attraction in becoming an animal. That's a pleasure I've already had."

"It's not the same and you know it." Sirius swiped the beer from Remus's hand, while the bottle was on the way to Remus's mouth even, to take a sip.

"I'm just saying," Remus gestured with his suddenly-free hand, "that perhaps Harry hasn't the knack for it."

"That's rubbish," Sirius shook his head. "James had the knack for it, and Harry's every bit as powerful as James."

Remus nodded. "That is true. Well, he's probably still too young. Harry can't even concentrate on finishing his supper, let alone on learning such a complex spell. He does know not to try it when you're not around, right?"

Sirius waved off Remus' concerns. "I have enough trouble getting him to try when I'm sitting right here. The bottom line is, he doesn't want to learn."

There it was, the truth shared between them at last. No one said anything for a few moments, as if they were watching the comment float on a piece of paper to the ground before they could speak of it.

"That's his choice," Remus said firmly.

Sirius knew that his husband was right. Their charge-- their son for all intents and purposes-- was reaching the age when he would make his own decisions. He didn't have to follow in their footsteps, or in James' footsteps. The only steps he had to follow were his own. He didn't need Remus to tell him that. He remembered too well being ten years old and hating everything about his family.

Unbidden, Sirius said swiftly, "He doesn't hate you."

Remus laughed. "It's not me I worry about him hating."

Sirius didn't say anything to that either. Between the two of them, they knew Sirius loved the wolf as well. In fact, he had given and received love-- physically-- with the wolf. It would hurt Sirius nearly as badly to know that Harry hated the wolf, but Remus, too, hated it, even as he loved it. There were things to love about the wolf: its keen senses, its undying devotion to Sirius, its fierce desire to protect Harry. It would not be best pleased if it understood how Harry felt about it. But Remus could not love something that had given him so much trouble, that took such a toll on him. Still, he could not have shared a life with someone who did not also love the wolf. It was hard enough for him to hate the wolf. Being loved in his whole by another was a beauty beyond expression. He didn't need it from Harry when he had it from Sirius, anyway.

Suddenly, Remus reached out and kissed Sirius gently. Then he kissed a bit harder. "I love you," he said, smiling. Sirius' mouth tasted like beer, but then again, so, likely, did his own. "I don't need him to love the wolf. I know you want him to, because you do, but you just may be the only person on the face of this doomed planet who does, Padfoot."

Sirius whimpered just exactly like a dog.

"And I love Padfoot," Remus smiled hungrily. He did, in fact, mean it in a sexual manner, and Sirius' eyes grew heavy and lidded. He'd caught the meaning.

"Would you like to love Padfoot right now?" Sirius asked.

Remus felt his pulse quicken. "I think I very much would."

Sirius glanced quickly towards the back doors: French, and closed, the direction through which Harry had retreated. He pulled the blinds closed over them, even though he moved from there to the bedroom.

Remus laughed. "You really are frightened that Harry will catch us at this, aren't you?"

"Me? This?" Sirius shook is head. "I'm afraid of my own shadow catching this!" Still, he grinned again and, without even taking off his clothes, shifted effortlessly into Padfoot.

Remus felt his knees go weak. Sometimes he wondered what this made him, or whether it was the monster-- Sirius didn't like him calling it that. The wolf, then. Maybe it liked it when Remus did this? Possibly. It didn't feel like the wolf, though. It felt like himself, pure and simple. He was only himself when he lowered his trousers to the floor. He could see that his dick was already hard just from the thought of what he was about to do.

Padfoot did not get on the bed. This was not something for the bed. If they had had the privacy and ability, it would have been something to do outside on the lawn. It was role playing, and Sirius was playing a dog. Remus was playing someone who liked to fuck a dog because, simply put, he did. He cast a subtle charm to slick his cock, and braced himself behind Padfoot. He did not bother with removing his shirt. He did take that large and red dog's cock in is hand, feeling thoroughly disgusting in the absolutely best way, and then he grabbed Padfoot's hip and entered the dog roughly.

Remus tried very hard to stay in the fantasy. He closed his eyes and tried to feel the grass under his knees instead of the hardwood floor. He grunted and groaned and spoke-- words that helped the fantasy along. "Bad dog," he groaned. "I've got to punish you. I'm going to-- uh." That train of thought wasn't working much. "No women will let me fuck them, so I have to fuck dogs." There, a shiver of satisfaction went up his spine. That was the right idea.

"At least you let me fuck you, right boy?"

The dog growled, and Remus smiled.

"What, you don't want me to fuck you? Not even dogs will let me fuck them. But at least I can rape a fucking dog. Bad dog..." Remus sped his pace up, his hand still gripping hard around the oddly-structured dog's cock. Then Remus came, gasping, into the large black dog.

A moment later, he realized that Padfoot had not come. He pulled out and rolled onto his stomach under the dog, sucking on that dog's prick as hard as he cold until a long spurt of white come hit his lips and mouth. "Oh my god," Remus muttered, still excited even though he was sated. He collapsed onto the floor.

He heard a pained grunt and then, when a body collapsed on top of him, it was that of a man.

"You kinky bastard, I love you so much," Sirius laughed, sounding out of breath.

"You were right," Remus answered.


"It's worth it."

"What is?"

"I should definitely study to be an animagus."

length: 500-2000 words, pairing: remus/sirius, !fandom: harry potter, character: remus lupin, character: sirius black

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