No-One [Harry Potter]

Aug 04, 2009 12:42

Title: No-One
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Remus mourns Sirius.
Characters: Remus; Remus/Sirius implied.
Rating/Warnings: G
AN: For dogdaysofsummer Prompt #4 here, which may require some explanation. The Queen song "No-One But You" was written on Princess Diana's death, and is about both Freddie Mercury and Princess Diana, so when I saw her, that song was what come to mind, and this is based on the song.
Word Count: 112


When Remus closed his eyes, he saw always the same sight: sun-scorched wings, Icarus. He didn't want to cry. Sirius would not have wanted him to cry, he was sure. If their situations were reversed? He couldn't say. Their lives had been... sensationally tragic. Yet Sirius had always found a way through, until now. Was it true, the muggle adage that only the good died young? He still could not piece together the sense of the situation. He did not want to say goodbye; could not. Icarus, he imagined, wearing Sirius' face and body, would always be chasing the sun. His tears were for nothing, and no one-- no one but him.

pairing: remus/sirius, length: 100-500 words, !fandom: harry potter, character: remus lupin

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