Title: Coiled
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: The Dark Lord is starting to outstay his welcome in Lucius' life.
Characters/Pairings: Lucius/Narcissa
Genre: Poetry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 152
Prompt: White Winter Hymnal by Fleet Foxes @
hh_sugarquillAN: Written for
valkyrie_lisa :)
I believed in him
I believed in his words,
His ways, even his means
Until his means touched me
And mine. I should--
I should have seen:
So often has he used
A man against his friends
A man's failures to his Lord's
Own ends. I see we are all
Each one step from
Peter Pettigrew, from
Having that we value most
At wand-point. So often
I have risked my life,
I thought my oath
Was proven, that
I'd give it all.
I'd give my life.
But he'd never had
The things I treasured
In his grasp
Here, in my home, he
Has it all. Threatens.
Thus I find my loyalty
Was never to my Lord.
Perhaps he knows, he fears,
And holds them hostage,
Ties me here. But I am not
Pettigrew. I will not be
A slave. I will win back
The safety we have earned
On my terms.
With my hands.
My Lord knows it.
What he does not know,
Because she has always
Been meek, mild,
Obedient and so, so purebred:
My own determination cowers
Before that of my Queen.
She is a Serptentess
And the Lord has come too