Step One: Rewatch Laurence of Arabia.
Step Two: Wonder, as you do every time, if there's any good Lawrence/Ali out there.
Step Three: Find that while what fic there is out there is excellent, there's not nearly enough of it.
Step Four: Write obsessively over the next 24 hours, and work in semihistorical research and slightly pretentious title that comes from a poem.
Step Five: Find people likely to share appreciation for a slash pairing from an awesome movie there is not enough fic for.
Which is to say: Hi, I'm Jez, and this is my first Lawrence of Arabia fic.
Title:And Took You Apart Into His Quietness
Fandom: Lawrence of Arabia (1962 film)
Characters/Pairing: Lawrence/Ali
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Sort of technically RPS, though based on a fictional representation of historical figures, references to canonical torture and implied canonical rape, non-explicit male/male sex, and a fairly simplified overview of Middle Eastern politics during and after World War I. Whew. (This is the most warnings, to date, that I've ever put on a fic.)
Ali believes there was a time when he could have refused Lawrence, but he can no longer remember what that felt like. A distressingly large part of him no longer wants to.