Oct 24, 2008 12:26
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One of my favorite things has always been people watching
I appreciate people and they intrigue me to what makes them tick. It’s common knowledge with my friends that I talk to everyone. Personalities are like rays of sunshine, or snowflakes or lighting ( the ones you just don’t know where they will hit). Even the most distorted mind will fascinate me to some degree.
Some see this as a flaw in me, when someone comes to me with their version of the story. I know it is simply that. “Their version.” I never take on someone who would like to tell me their version and take them at their word. They are aware upfront, I will talk to the other parties, anyone and everyone who might have first hand knowledge of what accounts happened before basing my opinion, Or offering advice if that is what they were after. I find that the people I admire most in this life, do the very same. We are not the people who say what you want to hear. We are not known to sugar coat.
For me in my experience of life a true, real friend tells you the truth, and they have the character in themselves to do just that. For me people with character digs for information and are willing to put in the effort, time and energy. And yes sometimes the truth might hurt. I believe this is also a tool to fix.
I believe if friends are sugar coating the truth, they are not a friend.
Perhaps it’s me and what makes me tick. Perhaps that’s why I have such a hard time with politicians’.
I not the one to hang around with yes people, brown noses or suck ups. They annoy the living crap out of me.
Yes people don’t make you think and do more harm than good
Sugar coating, doesn’t allow you to see if you can’t see it, you can’t fix it.
The old saying the truth will set you free.
If someone is stroking your ego, telling you what you want to hear. You are not free.
Turning on the TV these days are a constant reminder to me of.. damn there to much sugar coating going on in the world.
True story
We moved few years ago, bought into a beautiful place in a great area. I don’t think the movers had left the driveway before there was a knock on the door. This brings me to another personality disorder that annoys me (whiners and gossips). In walks this woman and it was constant. One the fact that she was such a Narcissistic Personality. It was a true test for me, not to just say do you mind just to shut up and leave. Since we were just moving in, I continued to bite my tongue and work around her and politely ask if we could talk some other time once we got settled. Very next day knock knock. Now this woman seemed to have one member of this committee we moved into on her shit list. And that was the subject/person really the narcissistic wanted to talk about. A broken record, anything and everything was about or aimed at her. Until recently I had never met a person who had the “it’s all about me” attitude? Seriously you could say the sky is blue and somehow this woman could connect it with it’s all about me. Never seen anything like it. I admit for a bit entertainment that I would just throw out the most outrageous things to see if she could connect them back to “it’s about me”.
Finally I’d had enough, and she was yapping my ear off again and my personality disorder came out.
( My family will say, Terry it’s ok to tell the truth you just don’t have to be so blunt about it.) I admit I have trouble sugar coating.
Have you ever met someone that they see the entire world as It’s about me? They somehow can read the simplest thing and connect it back to it’s written about me.
The entire time this woman had been yapping my ear off for a week of hearing how much she has done and does for the neighborhood. How moral she is. (Doesn’t hold much ground with me if you are whining at the same time)How decent a person she is. (Never heard so much horn blowing of oneself. I thought the place came with an orchestra.)
I watched another woman off in the distance. Always busy as a little bee. Keeping to herself, working away at the world. Making it nice, pretty and clean. The most she had said to us . Need a place to park that?
I interrupted the Narcissistic and asked. Who is that woman?
OH… that’s the very one I’ve been telling you about. Mixed in with it’s all about me!! Umm no that’s the one you have been gossiping about. While you build yourself up to look good. And where I am from, there are people who just talk about things to hear the sound of their own voice and there are people who make a difference. I pick her. I’m very pleased to say, that it was a wise choice. Over the years she’s become a great friend. And she tells it like it is. I love that!
This woman is the complete opposite. She doesn’t boast of brag and yet to hear her toot her own horn. When the truth is she could. She’s done more in her lifetime. More in her life to make a difference in others life’s. This list could go on forever if I started singing her phrases. I will leave it at I truly admire her. And very honored to have her as a friend and a part of our family. And she is a part of our family now as she accepted the role of co-Godparent to our child.