Dec 04, 2004 01:29
one of the most random things happened today in front of amoeba
a bunch of girls in a limo drove by and a man was screaming out with a little dance and said exactly 3 times "I LOVE CHICKS IN LIMOS!!!!"
i thought it was so funny that i had to share it on the "infamous" lj.
i feel like a loser posting on this ever so popular web site. its probably some big huge conspiracy run by a lonely man in a monkey suit. who knows, but i bought into it, so i guess there is no turning back.
do you ever feel like you're out of place? its like you're stuck in this box with a bunch of people that walk, talk, and dress the same....wait is that lab??? there is no diversity, uniqueness (except for a few.. liz, hayley c., susan etc.).hmm.. i dunno maybe im trippin' out and thats why im writing this wierd post, but i guess we all go through these wierd phases.
shakespeare project is due the 14th......i'm thinking othello, but i dunno.
has anyone ever seen the movie train spotting? just watched it. great movie.