over-rated apathy. i'd prefer to be STUDIOUSLY ALOOF.

Jun 19, 2005 21:48

the mix you made me: i started listening to the lyrics to-day.
and by listening i mean really listening. as in: HEARING them, what they were saying. :: it made me kind of sad. brought me down. [took me out.] i guess

i should have been in love with you.

but i'm glad i wasn't. glad i won't be.
---not now; our time is out. and over. wayy-over. long OVER-DUE. [i'm sorry???] maybe. but probably not.

my skin is red and itchy. bug bites and sunburns. peeling skin in the most peculiar shapes [he said he really liked me and i do.] :: i hope it was worth it.
(ps. talk about bad karma.)
talk about BAD-MOTHER-FUCKING-TIMING. [talk about bad mothers.]

oh yeah: homelessness is suddenly an option again. gosh. why thank-you. COCKSUCKER.
hopelessness sounds so easy. again. not again. [it's getting late. and i don't mean that. please, edit me. edit my parts. take them. a-part. and again. begin again.]

his car is really hot.

((oh yeah and he calls a lot.))

my heart beats hard allthetime nowadays and i sometimes serisouly wonder how long i'll make it.
talk about faking it.
talk about drama. DRAMADRAMADRAMA.
[did i mention bad-karma???]

oh yeah:::i miss you. and by 'you' i mean him and in fact not you at all.

i'm setting my alarm for seven in the morning.
to scare the shit out of myself.
to call a cab. and be late by 3 hours.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit.
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