May 27, 2005 16:22
it's so weird to feel my heart race, well, just to feel my heart at all, pounding fast and loud and it kind of hurts but maybe this feeling has just become so un-familiar. so un-famil[y]iar.
jealousy can take me by the rib cage and shake.
[i should not be thinking about you when i'm breathing hard and when there is another boy with a green sofa who calls and kisses me and cares far more than you do. no. i should not be thinking.]
and we feel exactly the same way.
---except you didnt forget about me quite as [easily?] quickly.
except i guess i never meant so much.
--------but the differences are equivalent. by now.---by now.
[we're buying out.]
and you're out of luck.
fresh out.
today we discussed the broken-family childhood syndrome. apparently i'm living it. apparently i'm living.
?? questionmark. [like a last name in my telephone.]
i do not have the patience for spoiled four year-olds.
---------------i hope i never broke your heart too hard.
i wrote the saddest thing, in the dark, with my eyes shut:
teenage sex + beer. -------+ cigarettes.
---things worth living for.
i found it the other day. after i'd conveniently forgotten.
title: revision.
title: revolution.
[please stop beating my heart to a pulp.]
please stop living this fiction.
of mine.
[and we've been reduced to communicating on-line.]