Its a Bittersweet, Beautiful, Breath-Taking, Life.

May 28, 2008 21:41

First Post on my journal. =)

So summer has officially started for me. I am going to be a senior next year! But I will take one day at a time to cherish this last summer of my high school experience =)

Its amazing how life just flies by. In a few years I could be married with children. You never know what life has in store for you. I think thats what makes life so interesting and beautiful, is not knowing whats going to  happen. Lifes a fork on the road, we don't know where it is going to lead us.

Just live life with passion. and live it as if its all you'll ever have.

Since i am random here are 10+1 interesting things you might not know about me...
1. Never read or seen Harry Potter(don't really want to either lol)
2. I secretly want to be an actress...shh!!! don't tell anyone =) just kidding. but i seriously do.
3. I have never had a boy friend...waiting for the right one xD
4. I am way too nice to people, and I don't hate anyone, just get annoyed with them =0
5. I AM OBSESSED WITH THE GEMMA DOYLE SERIES!!!!!! literally. Team Kartik  all the way =)
6. I love guys with flaws =) like Kartik....*heart skips a beat*
7. I love to write poems. they make me feel out of this world =) 
8. I play rugby which is the best sport ever! check out this video of rugby vs. soccer =) just keep watching.
9. I love the Muse. they are one of the greatest bands ever.
10. My brother died when i was 7 years old. I miss him, but KNOW he's in a better place. RIP Cliffy.
11. Without photography I think i would die. It has shown me how beautiful life truly is and I now see the world as a gorgeous breath taking setting just waiting to be photographed.  Its love.

Life is bittersweet, beautiful, and breath-taking. Its definitely something to live for. And its a precious gift for everyone to have. Do not take it for granted. Especially if you love the world. 

rugby, beauty, photography, live

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