Original colour book plate of the 19th century English actress Miss Mary Moore. Published in Celebrities of the Stage, being a series of portraits in colour of famous actors and actresses of the late Victorian London Theatre, with detailed monographs by Boyle Lawrence, published by George Newnes Limited, London 1901.
English actress and singer Miss Marie Tempest.
English musical actress Miss Hilda Moody.
Irish American actress Ada Reehan .
American actress Phylis Rankin ("The Belle of New York")
The 19th century American actress Miss Ella Snyder on the London stage
The famous 19th century English actress Miss Lily Hanbury
(cousin of the actress Julia Neilson).
The 19th century actress Miss Stella Gastelle
Actress Miss Maud Hobson on the London stage
The famous 19th century English actress Miss Marie Studholme who was the rage
of America during her extended tour there in the late 19th century.
English actress Miss Violet Vanbrugh who toured America and having been understudy
to Ellen Terry in many leading roles in Shakespearean productions went on to great
success in her own right.
English actress Miss Mary Moore.