survey cuz i'm bored....

Mar 16, 2006 09:20

currents!@*&!*@&^¤t clothing:Jeans, burgundy top, black shoes... current mood:extremely tired... current taste:taste? um, nothing... current hair:left it curly, kinda just messy waves today... current annoyance:all the essays i've been doing current smell:whatever Robarts library smells like... current thing you ought to be doing:probably working on another essay current jewelry:earrings and a watch current book:whatever i'm reading for class current refreshment:nothing right now...i've been drinking a lot of gradefruit juice lately current worry:exams... current crush:no one...seriously, it's lame current favorite celebrity:hmm, i dunno current longing:longing? hm...sleep? current music:not listening to anything right now current wish:that i'll do well on exams current lyric in your head:"i just don't know what to do with myself..." current makeup (if you're a girl!):some mascara and lip gloss current undergarments:lol...bra and undies... current regret:nothing right now... current desktop picture:i can't remember current plans for tonight/weekend:meh, none yet, maybe a movie night or something, possibly go out for st. patty's day current cuss word du jour:fuck current disappointment:that i can't enter a contest to go to london since the trip is during one of my exam days current amusement:this survey current IM/person you're talking to:none current love:i dunno, i'm not "in love".... current obsession:lol...myspace and i'm still kind of an mcr freak current avoidance:i dunno... current thing or things on your wall:a pin board with pictures and such, a canvas with some pretty drip art my camp kids did last summer and shelves of cd's, books, and more pictures current favorite book:i have no time to read anything non-school related, but this summer i fully intend to have a summer reading list current favorite movie:too many... Take this survey | Find more surveys
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