Snip snip

Oct 02, 2004 15:53

On a whim, I got my hair cut today. I went to Master Cuts at the mall since they only charge $12.95 for a haircut. I wanted to keep the length, so I just got some long layers put in and had the lady frame my face a bit since my bangs were long and just kind of hung there. I like it pretty well, I think, even though you can hardly tell I got my hair cut. I might get shorter layers next time.

I also asked about a permawave, but all the places I've gone to have said it would be at least $95. I don't really know how my hair would take to a perm, either, so I'm not so sure about that. If I were to get it done, I would probably go to my mom's hairdresser back home. We'll see about that.

Since Thomas is in Cleveland for a wedding this weekend, I went with Dena and jarretttheguy and some other people to the Dixie Classic fair in Winston-Salem last night. It was pretty fun. We got there kind of late, so we just played some games. I won a stuffed My Little Pony, so that was fun. She's very cute. I also got a sno-cone. I hadn't had a sno-cone in a long time. It was tasty.

Other than getting my hair cut, I didn't do much today. I went to Brixx with Dena and Brian and Jarrett, so I have half a sandwich left over for dinner tonight. I think I might watch a movie in a while, and I also have to study for my music history test that's coming up this Thursday.

I can't believe fall break is so close. I'm leaving for New York at 5 a.m. Saturday morning. I'm really excited...I'm rooming with two of my good friends from Teaching Fellows. We're going to see The Lion King next Sunday, too. I am excited to see it again. I hope it's cooler up there than it is does not feel like fall yet. Boo.

Anyhow, I think I'm going to get on with that movie thing. And possibly a new layout for the lj.
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