(no subject)

Jul 25, 2008 11:16

How are my lovely bb's? Are you guy doing ok. I hardly ask you guys this, so I thought it was a good time to ask. This is going to be a short post. Just me, advertising my first Doctor Who fanfic. PLEASE READ! Unless you don't watch the show, then I see no point.

Title: Dig (1/?)
By: me
Pairing/characters: The Doctor (10), TARDIS (for now)
Disclaimer: I have really awesome editors (
headspin_x ,
persiflage_1 and
brite_city ). Any mistakes are mine and mine only. I do not own Doctor Who, if I did, season 3 and 4 would be WAY different.
Summary: The TARDIS realises how lonely the Doctor is, and does everything in her power to help him. Part one of a (long) series. This will be the shortest chapter of the series. Kinda like a prelude. For now, the story will have the TARDIS and the Doctor as the main characters, but as the story progresses, more Who characters will arrive.

The story is at my journal.

"You’re so lonely, Doctor. So lonely. I could fix that for you, you know.” 


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