
Jan 11, 2007 08:40

Yay, I have fishies!

I picked up four angelfish yesterday.  They won in the itty-bitty poll I made before, for the most part, and besides, one of them just stole my heart....  feisty, agressive, feirce, biting everyone that came within her "personal space"....  SO much like me.

Two of the angels are marbled, which isn't exactly what I had in mind, but they make up for it in personality.  The other two are zebras, which pleases me immensely.  One of the zebras is a veil (sooper long finses), and all the rest of them are "normal" or "short" fins.  I don't usually like veils; they seem....  topheavy....  to me.  Some folks think they're elegant and beautiful; I think they're....  gaudy....  ostentatious....  Oh well.  The veil was the only other non-marble in the place, and she was really getting beat up by the other angels (too many angels, too small of a tank, together too long....).  I'm such a sucker....  I very nearly just got the two marbles and waited to get a pair of short finned zebra/ghost/smokey angels later, but then there'd be more turf wars....  and despite the fins, she really was pretty....  and when I heard
genetikayos say, "Man, they're really picking on that one stripey guy...." I couldn't help it.  So two marbles and two zebras came home.

At the store, they'd been in the same tank with the same tankmates for a month, so against better judgement I skipped quarantine (do as I say, not as I do, NEVER skip quarantine!) in favor of getting the zeeb with the retardedly long fins into a healthy environment large enough to comfortably house two pairs of angels....  I feared cramming the four of them into a mostly bare, small tank would have been just enough to sentence the long finned beastie to being bitten to death.  Under the nice lighting of my 100g tank, I decided I had most definitely made the right move - Longfins had some bacterial "fungus" just starting in on those fancy long fins.  It's pretty common in veils that are stressed or damaged to start having those precious fins rot away - fins get bitten, then the fish hides in the corner where those dangly appendages sit in the gravel, getting bacteria into their new bite wounds....  A clean, healthy environment with very little stress is usually all it takes to halt and reverse the damage of these infections.  To be on the safe side, I dropped some nice, yummy, stinky flake food medicated with Oxytetracycline into the tank, and all four angels ate quite merrily.  This morning, "fungus" is all gone already and Longfins is chipper and cheerful.  I'll keep up with the medicated flakes for a couple days to be on the safe side.
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