Mar 19, 2007 14:27
I know it's been a while but frack it, I won't excuse myself for it. Everyone (especially me) has been so busy and we totally forgot about LJ I guess.
Mkay, weird things happen, but the second I started to write this I got a new comment O.O I mean, after a week or so. That kinda things really freak me out. And they happen a lot lately. So imagine my freak-outness (is that even a word? xP). It's like I'm really a descendant of Rambaldi or something. Whoa.
So what for the broken toaster's sake have I been doing in the last week?
Truth be told, the whole 'doing' thing was really close to doing nothing. I basically just went to school, came home and argue with Chucky about lunch (which I still refuse to eat) and then if I was in the right mood, I watched new TV show episodes. Or not even that. One hell of a boring week. Now when I try to remember it, the only image that pops into my head is me, staring out the window or lying on my bed staring at the ceiling. But I do have an excuse for that though, I was sick half of the week (and still went to school! - I'm such a hero :P) and the other half I spent thinking about how nauseous I feel.
And the thing that frightens me the most is how my eyesight has got worse. I enlarged the font size on my computer O.O Damn, I was so pissed when I tried to read something on (I think it was a Shoone thing o.0) and I couldn't discern a word with my naked eye. Oh my. I'm so not wearing glasses, even if the doctor says I have to! x.x
My laziness caused no icon making too. I think I didn't open Gimp (still grieving over PS :/ ) at all. Or, wait, I did, for those tiny corrections I like to make, if text annoys me on pretty icons. I hate text. And despise everyone that writes on Kate's or Shannon's face stupid words like drama queen or murderer. Frack them.
So today I'll take a break from all that and click Mike and Sue on MSN and BEG for icontest :D I hate to make icons all by myself. I wonder if I remember any of my colorings. Damn >.< I swear I'll never stay that long away from Gimp ever again. My pro powers (:DDD) have ran dry.
Namaste, Grace
P.S. Oh! Oh!! X.O I almost forgot! Stargate finally aired it's last episode. It was breath-taking. Beautiful. I'm gonna miss it SO much x'/ We've grown up with it! *cries* But as Sue said, all good things come to an end (she likes Nelly Furtado o.0). Luckily, this one is Unending :')))) (this means: two movies to come, direct-on-dvd-thingy I think.) So if I really decide to make my second icon post today (or tomorrow..), the caps will definitely be taken from this episode. Stargate is love.