Happy belated birthday,
Your Score: Desert Eagle
You preferred a weapon with 40% power over speed and 58% range over melee.
You use a Desert Eagle.
One of the most powerful handguns in production, the Desert Eagle is a heavy punch in a small package. Its reliability and speed are remarkable for a gun with such high caliber. Your enemies won't stand a chance as you fell them bullet by bullet.
The What's Your Signature Weapon Test written by
inurashii on
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The Dating Persona Test Dude, what is with the no scoring going on in Colorado? What happened to 20-10 scores? Did everyone forget how to hit?
[edit] Okay, so that line above was written in the middle of a game where the score had been 0-0. Now I'm serious. Did everyone on the Yankees forget how to hit? Seriously? The best you can pull out of two games is ONE run per game? Are we back to May form, here? This is not Boston. This is not New York. This is COLORADO. What. The. Hell?