Contest Starting TOMORROW!!!

Jul 06, 2016 12:00

Thursday Contest Starts: Summer Drinks (alcohol free). Alcohol free summer drinks (this helps narrows it, as it would be really really broad). Pop, kool-aid, ice tea, lemonade, etc.

Our Rule Post

1. You must at least put 'contest' in the subject line for me to tally votes on the entry

2. Print or video ads are fine

3. All regular Vintage Ads rules apply EXCEPT only one ad per entry

4. Voting is via a YES in the comments. I can only tally YES' as votes to be fair to everyone.

5. As always, regular ads are always welcome

6. Hem and Haw rule: You know, I couldn't hem anything to save my life.

7. If you think of it, please tag your entry with 'contest entry'. If you don't, no worries, I'll do it for you.

8. The MOST important rule of Vintage Ads at all times: HAVE FUN!!

ice tea, kool-aid, lemonade, soft drinks, summer drinks

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