Oct 11, 2011 13:37
this is my default user icon pix lately and i'm sorry if it offends anyone....it about sums up my mood right now towards LJ.....
i have been trying, to no avail, to get into vintage ads' posts to not only tag 'em but to tally the contest finalists.....i get the varnish 503 error repeatedly.....i keep trying again and again to post this post and i know eventually it'll go through (or my keyboard will go through the wall).....
so for the remainder of my sanity (there's little left to begin with) and the safety of my keyboard and also i'm sure the neighbors would appreciate not hearing me yell obscenities at my monitor about LJ, i'm not gonna try to tally finalists today.....even if they come back up later today....not gonna do it.....might go out again......
i'll try again tomorrow......and if you're on FB, livejournal won't let you post on their wall anymore--gee, i thought they supported free speech?? but you can comment on their posts, which people have done....i also found they have a twitter account @livejournal.....i've sent them a few tweets telling them how i feel too.....
the continuing site issues have really irked my ire.....i understand sites have problems, but this seems to be happening more and more.....and i dunno if it's another DDS attack or what---they aren't saying.....
good luck for the day! and if you can post, go for it!!
mod post