REMINDER: SUPPORTERS OF TRUMP ARE NOT WELCOME HERE! Tho I can't stop you from being here unless you post a comment expressing that you're a maggot. Just want to make it clear tho that individuals who are racists, homophobic, misogynistic, against the disabled, immigrants, etc can just go sit over there. No, not there, further. Further. That bench far far FAR off in the distance, yeah, beyond that cliff.
This isn't as organized as I'd like it to be. Resources are at the bottom tho. I should've posted this quite some time ago; but better late than never? I still have pages of notes. There's just so much fuckery with chucklefuck and more and more keeps coming out. I'm not paying attention to today. Nope. Not doing it.
“I choose to identify with the underprivileged. I choose to identify with the poor. I choose to give my life for those who have been left out of the sunlight of opportunity.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
In George Washington's Farewell Address in 1796 he said:
"It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free Country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration, to confine themselves within their respective Constitutional spheres; avoiding in the exercise of the Powers of one department to encroach upon another. The spirit of encroachment tends to consolidate the powers of all the departments in one, and thus to create whatever the form of government, a real despotism. A just estimate of that love of power, and proneness to abuse it, which predominates in the human heart is sufficient to satisfy us of the truth of this position."
In Lincoln's Gettysburg Address in 1863 he opened with:
"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."
Kennedy in his inaugural address in 1961:
"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country."
Chucklefuck 2005
"Grab 'em by the pussy."
We are, allegedly, supposed to just “accept” this. OH HELL NO!! Former presidents and other politicians have stated ‘we’re here to help’ and ‘we’ll work across the aisle’. HELL NO!! You can’t work with these people. They expect complicity. Don’t be a people pleaser to these individuals. Never ever submit. Stand up for yourself as you are your best advocate. Stand up for others who share the same concerns as you. Stand up for those who need their voices lifted. There’s a difference between expressing yourself and being an unhinged lunatic.
Many of them think we have no say or voice in anything. Some even think we should leave the country. You cannot be selective with freedoms. Dissent is a form of patriotism. If we didn’t dissent against the English this country would not exist. When a senator or house rep posts that chucklefuck or his administration are doing something illegal, tell them to DO SOMETHING!!! They’ve been complacent for far too long!!
Don’t be the bigger person, remember January 6th, 2021. Obviously in NO WAY am I advocating for violence, treason, or such treachery. However, to just ‘accept’ this? NO. These cult members are STILL angry. Maybe cuz subconsciously they’re trying to figure out how he didn’t ‘make America great again’ the first time, and he ran with that same slogan again? I mean, somewhere in the smooth recesses of their brains there’s some wheels turning saying ‘hey, something ain’t right’.
You can’t argue with people who get their information from bumper stickers or who believe a staged assassination attempt and wear Kotex on their ears.
They’re already getting a wake up call cuz many shelled out money for inauguration tickets, flights, hotels, etc and then chucklefuck couldn’t handle the cold. Though he claimed he didn’t want people to get hurt (what about 1/6/21?) and moved it inside. People are being interviewed saying they’re out money and could’ve just stayed home. HAH! FAFO! Chucklefuck is a pussy ass bitch and his ego couldn’t handle another small crowd.
Feeling powerless is valid; but with others power grows. Don’t give them control! Patriotism is more than waving a flag, it’s loving your country enough to want to ensure the founding values of freedom and the ensuing hard fought constitutional amendments and Supreme Court decisions expanding the freedom and rights of others are maintained. It can even be as simple as being welcoming and kind to your refugee neighbors so they see a smiling face. You can send emails, postcards, and sure sign online petitions. Personally I never sign online petitions as I don’t think they’re effective, that’s just me though.
Nick Furntes “your body, my choice”. Well, we know how that backfired on him. Zero sympathy for him.
Unfortunately there are hundreds of thousands like him. Not just thinking that way about women; but who think they can control or dominate or dictate to African Americans, members of the LGBTQ+ community, the disabled, etc. So now safety is an issue more than ever. Gun ownership is a personal choice. I’m only mentioning it cuz I’ve seen a lot of places mentioning an increase of marginalized/at risk communities buying them. Please be trained and ensure it’s very secure at home. Tasers are outlawed in some states, same with pepper spray so please check the laws where you are. Self-defense classes (“that’s my purse, I don’t know you!”) are always an option. Always be aware of your surroundings. If you have to walk alone, pretend to be on a call if you need to, or call the Hall & Oates line: 1-719-266-2837 (you can play 1 of 4 songs, there's also a Steely Dan or Phil Collins hotline).
Right now the LGBTQ+ community is protected by more laws than ever. They want to strip them away. Something I saw to perhaps take into consideration if you’re in a same sex marriage:
Make sure your will is updated to refer to your spouse as an individual and by name, with your specific wishes. Make sure if you have a POA or a Medical POA, list your spouse, by name, who would still have powers if they might not be recognized as your spouse. I also saw something saying it’s a good idea if you have children in your same sex marriage to start the process for parent adoption if they’re not listed on the birth certificate.
If you make less than $360k a year your taxes will go up. Cuz billionaires can’t be expected to pay taxes. GASP! NO!!!
Civil service workers work for “we the people” not a president. To do otherwise is authoritarianism. Chucklefuck has pretty much stated he wants people to be loyal to HIM. He's threatened to hold aide to California hostage.
Politicians work for us. That includes chucklefuck. We the people. Not them, US.
“The purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human” - Aldous Huxley
The above quote is what chucklefuck has done. He’s brainwashed his cult into forgetting that women, African Americans, the LGBTQ+ community, the disabled, the poor (who are amongst his cult), ARE HUMAN.
He doesn't have a plan of education, it’s a plan AGAINST education. Dismantling the department of education. Give $ to for-profit private schools. Private schools can and WILL discriminate against non-white students.
They claim we hate our country, yet he’s calling it garbage. Uh???
Domestic Violence Safety Plan (or safety plan if you’re marginalized in a hostile location or here illegally)
Think of all possible escape routes, doors, 1st floor windows, elevators, stairs, rehearse if possible
Memorize several important phone numbers to you
Choose a place to go. A friend, relative, a shelter, call a hotline for info
Pack a survival kit to have ready, hide it outside if you can or close to your planned escape route or leave it with someone who you can escape to. Change of clothes, personal documents, medications/copies of rxs
Calling a hotline can help you
Chucklefuck on ‘truth’ social 11/13/2024 7:54PM “...thank you Elon Musk [Apartheid Clyde] for the great job you did in helping us WIN the most consequential election in 129 years…”
Oddly specific, why?
1895 Pollack v Farmers Loan Trust Co 4/8/1895 The US Supreme Court ruled invalidating the federal income tax of 1894. McKinley won in 1895, there was an economic depression. The central issue was the monetary system, particularly between free silver versus the gold standard. That election is often considered a political alignment, where republicans dominated national politics for several decades. The central issue was the country’s money supply.
So wtf are they gonna do with the money supply? Siphon it to themselves?
Robert McDonald, former VA secretary who presided over the 2014 wait-time scandal where veterans died while awaiting care, has been nominated as secretary of veteran’s affairs. Under McDonald’s leadership, VA hospitals falsified medical records while veterans languished on secret waiting lists, with the average wait times exceeding 115 days. Senator Duckworth, an Iraqi war veteran who lost both legs in combat, expressed outrage: “only in [chucklefuck’s] America would someone who deliberately falsified records while veterans died waiting for care be nominated to lead the department responsible for their well-being. It’s like putting Dr. Kevorkian in charge of a trauma unit.”
Immigrants: what is ICE going to be allowed to do? Raids this week. What does this do? Distract his racist base while he takes away their benefits? There are some factories that are essentially fully staffed by immigrants. Golly lolly gee willikers the owners are usually big republican donors too. Huh.
“I don’t think the president should pardon anyone who assaulted a police officer at the US capitol on January 6th” - Mike Pence
I agree 100%! And BRAVO Karen Pence for not even LOOKING at the Trumps when they arrived at President Carter’s funeral. I mean, he wanted to have her husband killed and her daughter was with him that day.
Remember the last time? Trying to buy Greenland. Now it’s Greenland, Canada, the Panama Canal, and renaming the Gulf of Mexico. WTF?! How about Canada takes us over? Let’s not forget wanting to nuke a hurricane, injecting bleach for covid, “covfefe”, and dreading to know what the fuck he’s tweeted in the middle of the night.
“Imagine half of the passengers in the Titanic being pro-Iceberg” - Bill Maher
“Some believe it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. It is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay. Small acts of kindness and love.” JRR Tolkien
Billionaires who have government contracts being admitted into an administrator is a whole other thing. Apartheid Clyde is having an office in the White House. Uh?? Why is this ketamine fool with government contracts, so a direct conflict of interest, being...wait stop...he's given chucklefuck millions, nevermind, it's fine. No. No it's not. Chucklefuck will dump him soon enough and it'll be glorious!!
Statement from chucklefuck 11/12/24 about Apartheid Clyde] and Vivek Ramaswamy in charge of Doge [Douche]:
“Dismantle government bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures, and restructure federal agencies. Essential to the “Save America” movement.”
“This will send shockwaves through the system, and anyone involved in government waste, which is a lot of people…” - Apartheid Clyde, who fired 70% of Twitter's staff when he took over, then oops, had to hire a lot back cuz it sorta didn't work without them and then there were these pesky things called contracts!
Only the best people. Last time so many are now convicted felons, including chucklefuck himself.
Want to eliminate equal employment opportunities
Eliminate DEI programs: diversity, equity inclusion, and accessibility.
An estimated 50k federal employees will be stripped of their rights
They want to repeal Executive Order 11246 which prohibits most federal contractors from discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin.
Eliminate civil rights protections for entire communities by removing prohibitions against discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics in employment, education, and federally funded programs.
If Medicaid is taken away, or cut significantly, think of those in nursing homes, where will they go? Long term residential facilities, etc? The children receiving life saving medical care. Adults receiving life saving medical care. Anyone being able to receive medical care. I mean, seriously, do we all have to start chanting Luigi or something? (Not advocating murder, no way no how! But Luigi really shook things up, they didn't expect people, on BOTH SIDES, become united over his action).
Want to cut food stamps, food banks are already overwhelmed. So they expect people to just starve? Alrightie then.
They see themselves as hero warriors but the character they envision in their mind as being well chiseled, marching like a real soldier. They’re really just sad, hateful, little (in more ways than one), uneducated fools playing dress up and getting off on having people pay attention to them. At heart they’re drama queens with feelings of deep seated inadequacy. Many are incels and they find community around the hate. What an awful ‘community’!
Plan B s legal in all 50 states without age restrictions. OTC, if not, ask a pharmacist. Though look online first to see if that pharmacy refuses to give it. Cuz some pharmacists have a stick up their ass and claim it's against their "values" to give Plan B. I mean, what if you were raped? SMDH
Period tracking apps: apparently some states require the data. Use a VPN and use it in a ‘blue’ state. Want to fuck with them? If you’re not in a red state, use a VPN, put yourself in one, age yourself in your 20s and after 5 or 6 months of periods, don’t have one for 4+ months. Then start again. I’m gonna do that. What are they gonna do? Let’s find out!
LGBTQ+ people are more and more living in fear of not only having their rights taken away but that some sectors of society might cause them harm. Most people have interacted with a member of the LGBTQ+ community and never known it. GASP!
Trans healthcare is at high risk. Marriage equality is at risk. Discrimination on the basis of your sexuality will be back in force. The overall safety of community members is at risk. This is draconian, going backwards, and just sickening.
Chucklefuck wants to dismantle all government agencies. With his cabinet picks it’s obvious that’s their purpose. He wants to consolidate power into the executive branch.
If LGBTQ+ rights are taken away, or the start of that action begins, hopefully the internet will work faster than counteractions in the 80s. When being your true self was still a crime in the 80s some public officials who spoke out against it were outed. Now SHOULD you out someone? Normally no! If they’re promoting the removal of rights will having a secret life, then yes. Expose the hypocrisy. There are now literally millions more allies than before. Many of us will very vocally defend your rights!!
Using the definition from the World Health Organization: Disability covers a broad range of conditions, including chronic illness, pain, migraines, being immunocompromised, and mental health disorders.”
The disabled are on the chopping block too. Cuz I mean, well, we’re disabled. What did Hitler refer to them as? ‘Those who are unworthy of life’ I believe.
They want to interfere with birth control, cuz you know, women are just for breeding. Look into getting an IUD, they’re good for 4-5 years.
Biden farewell speech: “Today, an oligarchy is taking shape in America of extreme wealth, power and influence that literally threatens our entire democracy, our basic rights and freedoms and a fair shot for everyone to get ahead.”
Resources or perhaps if you’re able places to donate:
LGBTQ+ hotline 1-888-843-4564
Women/ DV hotline 1-800-799-7233 (1-800-799-SAFE) Veterans Crisis Line 1-833-697-6437 (1-833-MY-ROGER) Trans Continental Pipeline: helps transgender people who don’t feel safe in the states where they live move to Colorado where protections are stronger. Trevor Lifeline (under age 25) Crisis intervention & suicide prevention 1-866-488-7386 can chat, text, or call
Trans Lifeline 24/7 support for Trans people by Trans people 1-877-565-8860
THRIVE lifeline for underrepresented individuals: BIPOCs, disabled, LGBTQ+, Neurodivergent, and other marginalized identities: text THRIVE to begin your conversation 24/7/365 1-313-662-8209 Help with acute mental health crisis, including suicidal ideation. They are there to support your whole-self. is a safe place for Transgender and non-binary young people to find peer connection and connection.
transgenderlawcenter.orgLGBTQ+ Update ID Docs and passport