May 13, 2006 19:16
it's been a while since i updated, this week has been one dreary mess after another. i got the job at victory and will be starting may 22nd...rejoice!! i spent last weekend in murray kentucky with miss amy and laura. the drive down was a great chance to catch up with lady laura, funny how we can live in the same city and share a best friend...yet still never find time to hang out. life. it was great to visit with ames on her last weekend in murray, her going away party was fun yet sad...i know she will miss murray, but i think it will miss her much more. just as indy did four years ago. this summer brings excitement and a new realm of being. it's been bazaar having a best friend seven hours away for so long...and still another all the way in wisconsin...i will have him home soon enough, soon enough heart.