sitting in the basement office slowly smoking while drinking inappropriately iced coffee. it must be below thirty degrees outside. i have been sifting through past entries realizing i truly don't write about anything that makes sense. so, as of late life has been wonderful. diverge skateboarding company has taken some amazing turns. we start our first order of boards through a company called art house the first of the year. we've grown leaps and bounds as far as profits are concerned, not to mention jacob is doing graphics for crimson these days as well. i like knowing that my future is slowly becoming secure, even though i am the one crunching numbers and husband is out doing fun stuff. eh. i like it sadly enough. my other job, well real job, i amazing. i work for a veterinarian in castleton doing customer service coordination. in other words, pet wrangling. i do cry a lot sitting at the front desk alone while people euthanize their pets in the tiny rooms behind me. i feel silly, but i know part of loving a pet is knowing when to say goodbye.
rest in peace lord humphrey we miss your snaggle tooth every day.
i've been there for quite some time now and i do not plan on leaving anytime soon. my shift is 1-7 five days a week and i get to wear kitty cat scrubs every day. not to mention the unyielding amount of puppy kisses and kitten play time. for the first time ever, i love my job. on more personal notes, being married has proved to be the best part of life these days. i cannot explain it, but waking up every morning and snoring every night next to my best friend makes days worth living. i know that sounds grotesquely hallmark...but seriously jacob and i are building a life that i could have never imagined years ago. we aren't text book people, we don't make dinner every night together or plan weekend get aways. we fly by the seat of our pants and laugh more than any other couple i know. the only things we ever take seriously seem to work themselves out on their own. the friends i hold dear to me only amplify the good in all of us. i would truly be nothing without their encouragement and conversation. oddly enough they all fall into different categories. we don't have some unit of friends. we have individual relationships with all different types of people. those i would have never reached out to are the ones i keep closest. i have learned so much about myself through this last year. for the first time in so long i feel at home in my own skin, comfortable to be myself not matter what, and sure that in this confidence i have been able to become a true friend...something i am not so sure i can say about previous times in my life.